Chapter 23

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Dennis' POV

I am called for a secret meeting

It wasn't long after Obito was gone that I heard voices calling for me. I turned to see Neil, Maya and Jamie running towards me.

"Oh my gosh!" Neil gasped. "You okay? W-we saw what happened at the cafeteria, what h-he did, but then you were nowhere to be seen."

"I am fine. Nothing happened to me." I assured him. "Can't say the same about Brian though."

"That was...absolutely brutal." Maya gulped, clutching her arms. "His pheromones were strong enough to induce a pre-rut and the school might even call Brian's parents."

"Not all dominant alphas and omegas can do that." Jamie had a grave expression. "It's like trying to control your instincts."

That was something I had heard growing up. Pheromones were natural fragrances unique to every alpha or omega who emitted them. It could be used for attracting other genders, comforting loved ones or even asserting dominance. But they were more instinctual in the sense that it could be released without one's knowledge - during emotional turmoil or heats and ruts.

We all headed back to our building, still brooding over that incident when someone slammed into me and I almost fell down.

"Ouch! Wait-Rin?!" I exclaimed. Indeed, the brown-haired girl looked sheepish as she apologized.

"I was looking around for you." She gasped.

Right, wasn't she with us during lunch? Where did she go after that?

One look at my friends' faces told me they were equally clueless.

"Um, there's someone who wants to meet you." Rin said hesitantly as she eyed my friends. "They asked me to bring you to them."

"Who's that?" Neil asked.

"They gave no name." Rin shook her head.

"Then let's go meet them." Neil folded his arms.

"They wanna meet Dennis alone." Rin pointed out. Maya cast a suspicious glance at Rin who immediately shrank back at the intensity of her gaze.

Is it just me or do I sense strange hostility here?

"I'll come with you." I nodded, casting an It's okay glance at the others.

Rin took me to the second floor, in the quietest and darkest corridor near the biology lab. There was only one person there, leaning against the wall with crossed arms and Rin pointed at him and left.

Even in the dark, I could still recognize him. That black hair. That pondering look. Those cold, emotionless eyes so familiar yet unlike another pair of eyes I had met before.

I gasped when he looked up at me.


Neil's POV

The battle of the eyes

Lunch break was over but Dennis hadn't yet returned. Maya and Jamie had to run for their next class 'cause it was Ms. Trunchbull's.

I waited for quite some time before he returned. Hands in his pocket, he just walked past me casually and when I didn't follow him, "Come on. We're getting late for class."

Something wasn't right.

I hastily followed, glancing at him. "So...what?"

"About what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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