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III. Charles the All Knowing

SAUDI: March 2023


@AlpineF1Team retweeted!

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@AlpineF1Team retweeted!

Media Day: It wasn't unusual for the Alpine drivers to arrive together. First, they were childhood friends and second, they were teammates. But there was different around them.

They were holding hands, which was not different. When they weren't in each other's throats and annoying each other, they would be arriving with their hands together. Swaying them as they laughed.

But this time, they were walking normally, not goofing around, their hands clasped together. The two of them talking to themselves as they walked through the paddock.

Charles who was talking to Carlos caught sight of them and his jaw dropped. "Holy merde." he muttered. Carlos turned to see the Alpine drivers. He let out a laugh, "The world is either ending or they were both hit in the end to realize they were made for each other." he pointed out as he crossed his arms.

The Monegasque watched his friends, trying to put things in perspective. Trying to understand what was happening. He was about to walk to them, ask what was happening when he noticed something.

Once they reached the Alpine hospitality, Kiara let go of his hand and stared at him. Furrowed eyebrows as Pierre frowned. It looked like the French was about to say something but she turned away from him and walked away. Pierre let out a sigh and shook his head walking further inside their hospitality.

Charles then realized what was happening. He knew it would lead to either something great for them or something bad. And he hoped for the former.


@fan109: she was so sweet too!

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@fan109: she was so sweet too!

@fan09: not pierre thinking we're going to steal her away

@fan09: not pierre thinking we're going to steal her away

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@fan100: that's why he was in a rush to take her away!

@nathalie: when the hell was she ki to you?

@Charles_Leclerc: is the world ending or are they together?

     @nathalie: it could be both

     @LandoNorris: we're all gonna die!

     ➥@LandoNorris: we're all gonna die!

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@LandoNorris: WE ARE GONNA DIE

     @ameliamia: lan relax

     @LandoNorris: no no no no we gotta hide mia

@arthur_leclerc7: when is it my turn

    @Charles_Leclerc: because you are stupid

    @arthur_leclerc7: says you

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