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VIII. Drunk and Emotional

AUSTRALIA: April 2023

RACE DAY: When Kiara and Pierre were called in early, they didn't expect that the request that their PR Manager will ask the two of them.

Pierre sat there as he listened to them talk, he kept glancing at Kiara who had her thinking face on. She was fidgeting on the bracelet that a fan had given her before.

"The fans are loving your content." their PR manager said. Kiara hummed, "There's a but isn't there?" she asked, glancing at Pierre.

"But, there are still some people who are speculating that it isn't real-" "Because it isn't." he said.

For the first time, Kiara felt hurt. Pierre Gasly has said so many indirect things in the years of knowing each other but this one, this was the one that got to her. The one that affected her.

"We know, and that's why we need you both to pick up a notch. Just do whatever it takes to make it seem that you are together." they said.

Pierre looked at Kiara who was had her head low. "Post each other more but make it more obvious." they finished.

Once the meeting was dismissed, it was Kiara who was the first one to leave. Pierre followed after her confused.

"Ma belle!" he called out as they reached the garage. But she didn't stop, he sighed and grabbed her hand. "You okay?" he asked.

Kiara didn't know how to put what she was feeling into words. She didn't know how to tell Pierre that stating the obvious had hurt her. She didn't even know what she was feeling.

"Kiara." Pierre said. She looked at him, "I'm fine." she said pulling her arm away. "We have a race." she muttered before turning away.

"See you at the checkered flag." he said. Kiara stopped. Her heart jumped as her breath hitched. She turned her head slightly, a small smile on her lips, "Not if I get there first."

And she then walked away. Pierre let out a breath of relief, despite not knowing what the reason of her sudden change of attitude, at least she still responded to her.

The race continued on with a great experience for the Alpines. Despite not getting podium like her partner, Kiara stood there with the team looking at Pierre who stood proudly on P2.

He let his eyes wander at the people as the Australian Anthem played. His eyes suddenly met hers. She was standing with her race suit on, her hands clasped together under her chin, a small smile on her lips.

But what really caught Pierre off guard was the way she looked at him. The way her eyes looked. Those hazel eyes he had memorized from childhood. The same eyes that would shift from happiness and frustration in a single look. The same eyes that would shed tears of sadness and joy. The same eyes that can glimmer and shine under the sunlight.

Those were the same eyes that was looking at him. The perfect timing of the sunlight hitting her face that made her hazel eyes shine. The beautiful glimmer of happiness appeared.

Kiara looked at him with a genuine look of being proud. It made Pierre's heart beat faster. It made him smile.

The moment the trophy was handed to him, he raised it in the air. His heart swelled when she clapped and cheered. It was so perfect, he wished he was down there and kiss her.

The winner of the race; Daniel Ricciardo, wanted to celebrate his win. He had invited his friends over to a secluded bar.

The drivers were having fun, and Kiara was not a stranger to that. Because of the thoughts brought by Pierre's answer in the PR meeting earlier that morning, she was drinking more than she should be.

Seeing as Pierre was pulled to the celebration by Daniel and Lando. This left Kiara with the other drivers. But like Pierre, they had noticed something was bothering the girl, especially Charles.

She was sitting at the booth, drinking what seemed like her 6th glass of alcohol. She was quiet all throughout, very un-Kiara of her.

So, Charles went to sit next to her. She grabbed her glass making her glare at him. He sighed and set the glass aside. "Give it back Charles." she mumbled.

He raised an eyebrow at her, "No." he said. She scoffed, "Then leave me alone if you're going to ruin my fun." she said.

He shook his head, "What's wrong Ki?" he asked. She frowned, aside from Pierre, it was always Charles who can see right through her (alongside Thalie.) She knew that she wouldn't be able to hide it from him, so she didn't.

"Me and Pierre, it's not real." she admitted. Charles sighed and nodded, "I know." he whispered. Her eyes were already started to water making the Monegasque worried.

"I didn't expect how much it will hurt if he was the one who will say it." she said, a tear escaping her eye. She groaned and wiped it away, Charles frowned, "Why did it hurt?"

"He said that it isn't real. What we're doing isn't real. I know it is but a part of me wished he didn't say it."

"Kiara, why are you bothered?"

She let out a cry, it seems that the alcohol brought out the tears in her eyes, "That's the thing Charles. I don't have a fucking clue." he said.

He frowned and pulled her into a hug, "You'll figure it out. Don't stress about it, your birthday is coming up."

Kiara groaned and pulled away, she wiped away her tears, "That's another thing, I don't want a huge birthday. I just want friends."

"I'll let Pierre know."



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