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XXI. Private Kiss

MILAN: May 2023


@fan000: kiara's awake!

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@fan000: kiara's awake!

@fan9: kiara's home!

@fan10:grid princess is back!

Kiara didn't want to go back to Milan. She knew that Pierre would have to fly to Barcelona for the Spanish Grand Prix, and she was not missing that. That was the argument the two kept having every day.

But with the recommendation of the doctor, she was forced to agree to come to Milan. She was to be checked by her family doctor as well.

That Monday morning, she woke up with Pierre beside her. She smiled as she brushed his hair out of his face.

"Bonjour ma belle." He whispered. She chuckled and kissed his cheek, "Bonjour Pear." She said. He hummed and opened his eyes, "What time is it?" he asked, they both glanced at the clock on the wall.

They both groaned, Kiara moving to cuddle with him. Pierre wrapping an arm around her, "Can't Charles and Thalie visit a different day?" she whispered. Pierre shook his head, "Unfortunately no. They have to fly to Barcelona soon." He answered.

Kiara frowned and hugged him tight, "I'm too lazy." She muttered. "I know. Me too." He said. They laid there for a few more minutes before they both decided on getting ready.

Once Charles and Thalie arrived, the four decided on eating lunch together. Kiara and Thalie were sitting next to each other, talking about what she had missed.

"So you'll be in Barcelona?" Kiara asked as she drank her water. Thalie nodded, "Yeah, what about you-" "She won't be." Pierre cut her off.

The girls looked at him. Charles looked like he wanted to hit his best friend, Thalie frowned at his words, "Pierre." Kiara said. Pierre already knew what she would say.

"I am not missing the race." She said with a raised eyebrow. "You are not racing." Pierre reminded her that. She snickered, "I know that, you don't have to tell me again." She said.

Pierre nodded, "Good. So you will stay-" "Me not racing doesn't mean I won't go. I want to go." She cut him off. He furrowed his eyebrows at her, "Don't be stubborn."

"Don't try and tell me what to do." Kiara fought back. Nathalie and Charles sharing a look, already knowing what would come next.

"I am looking out for you." "And I'm thankful. But I am not going to another GP without being on track." She said.

"What are you trying to prove Kiara?"

"That I am strong-"

"You are. But you need to rest." Pierre said but she shook her head. He didn't want to fight, neither does she but he knew she was hardheaded, especially when it was about racing.

"I have rested enough-"

"Kiara. I need you to be safe."

She stared at him, she understood what he meant, she knew where he was coming from. But he also knew how she was and he had to understand that.

"I am, when you are here I am." She said. Pierre shook his head, "I was there and you got hurt-"

"And you cannot hide forever! I'm a racing driver, that's my job!" she yelled at him. The three of them froze, Kiara never yelled, not at her friends.

"You have to understand that, you have understood that. What's so different now?" she asked him. Pierre sighed, "Because you were hurt, and I couldn't do anything about it." He admitted.

Kiara sighed and walked up to him, placing a hand on his cheeks, "But you were there after everything. We cannot avoid the dangers of the world, we learned that the hard way, but what we know is, being here for each other makes it worth it." She said.

Pierre gulped still unsure, so Kiara did something that made Thalie gasp and Charles' eyes to grow wide like saucers.

All of a sudden, Kiara placed her lips on Pierre's. Kissing him, shutting him up, making him realize that she was there, and she will go where he will be.

The French kissed her back, placing his hands on her waist, the two continued to kiss until Charles let out a short yell, "YOU'RE KISSING!"

The two parted and looked at their friends, "Oh, you're still here." Pierre said making Kiara laugh but Thalie snickered, "Huh, that wasn't what I expected."

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