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XXXIV. Camera's Focus

AUSTRIA: July 2023


@fan001: AHH! THEY'RE BACK!

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@fan001: AHH! THEY'RE BACK!

@fan09: they're matching!

@fan123: they seem happier today :)

RACE DAY: Kiara zipped up her race suit as she noticed the camera. Not leaving all the winks to the other drivers, she winked at the camera.

Pierre who saw laughed, she turned to her right to see him with both their helmets in his hands. She smiled and walked to him, "Thank you bébé." She muttered.

His smile grew wider and was so tempted to kiss her but then she motioned to the camera that was behind her. It was still pointed at them.

Kiara watched as his smile turned into a pout. She giggled and squished his face together, "Don't be that cute baby, I just might kiss you." she said with a smirk.

Pierre's eyes widened, "Why can't you do it?" he asked. She raised an eyebrow at him and moved forward.

He froze, expecting a kiss from her, his eyes closed but then felt her lips on his cheek. She chuckled and grabbed her helmet, "After the race I'll give you one." She said and moved to walk away.

He wasn't going to let her go that easily, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. She was shocked, her eyes widened as she stared at him, "Pear-"

"Even in front of the whole grid and track?" he challenged her. She smiled, "If one of us gets podium, yes."

And that was just the push the two needed to continue the ran up to the top. No one was expecting it, yes the attention were on them after everything, the fans were looking at the Alpines. What they didn't expect was the quick lap times the two were collecting.

The Red Bull Ring was not an easy track to navigate and drive in but they didn't back down. "Look at the Alpine drivers go. It is Kiara Bellerose's first race after the incident and let me tell you she is doing amazing today."

"Seems her partner Pierre Gasly is not backing down, defending her from the back and yet challenging her at the same time."

Josh was getting all of the behind the scenes between the two drivers. He was going back and forth because of the messages they were sending each other. And he knew that Kiara would scream to connect their radios.

And as they finally arrived at the last lap, the Alpines nearing the end with a great, his fear had happened. "Connect me to Pierre Josh." She said.

"Kiara, we can't just do that." He explained. She snickered, "We have done it multiple times. Just do it please." She said. And with a sigh he said because he didn't want to be yelled at in French.

And within a second, Kiara can hear Pierre. "Pear." She said. "Ki?!" he said in shock.

She laughed, "Here I come Pear." She said before fully overtaking him and moving to overtake George who was on P1.

"What?!" Pierre yelled, trying to get to her but all she did was laugh and before they know it, the checkered flag was called.

"And Kiara Bellerose is the winner of the Austrian Grand Prix!"

Once she had parked the car, she got out and ran to Pierre who got out his. He wasn't expecting her but he caught her in his arms and laughed.

"You did it ma belle!" he said making her smile. She pulled away a bit and looked at him, "You still want that kiss?" she asked.

Pierre's eyes brightened and he nodded. She chuckled and grabbed a hold of his helmet and leaned hers on it. "Mwua!" she said making Pierre laugh.

He took it and they were called to the podium, a great 1-2 for the Alpines.

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