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XIV. P Necklace

IMOLA: May 2023


Kiara followed after Nathalie and Angel

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Kiara followed after Nathalie and Angel. She was pulled out of her hotel room and into the reporters. She was prepped with make up and was forced to change into a dress.

She was vocally adamant that she did not want anything to do today. She didn't want leave the hotel room but the girls were clearly up to something.

It wouldn't surprise the French girl that it had something to do with the plans that Pierre had been doing. She didn't really get to do much investigating what with the highly active thoughts in her mind lately.

When they reached the ballroom, Thalie turned to her as Angel covered her eyes. "Is this really necessary." she grumbled.

Angel chuckled, "As per orders, sorry Ki." she said. Thalie had started to guide her inside. Kiara was not stupid, she was aware of the voices and she can recognize them easily.

"If this is a surprise, Arthur is already ruining it with his loud ass whispering." she said loudly making her friends laugh.

"Well, I guess covering her eyes is for nothing." Angel said as she took her hands off her eyes. Just as she opened them, she was bombarded by the sight of her friends and confetti falling from the air.

"Happy Birthday!" they yelled as she jumped in shock. She giggled and covered her cheeks. "Hit it DJ Lando!"

Lando played a song making the crowd cheer and dance along. A few of the guests (who were good friends of hers) greeted her before going to get a drink.

She stood there, chatting with some guests when she felt a present behind her. Her lips turned up into a smirk. She knew who it was already.

Kiara turned to see her partner ever since. Pierre Gasly stood there, a smile on his lips, "Happy birthday Ki." he said as he approached her.

She raised an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms, "I thought Charles would have told you how I didn't want to have a big party." she said stubbornly.

Pierre rolled his eyes and placed his hands on her shoulders, "He did." he answered with a smirk. She pouted, "And I am guessing you are too stubborn to follow what I wanted?"

"If I followed, then you wouldn't be as celebrated as you deserve."

After blowing the cake and mingling around, a familiar tune was heard. Kiara turned to Lando who was bopping to the tune as he played with his DJ set.

She stood there, watching her guests as they talk to each other but like always, Pierre had found her, "Would you hit me if I asked you to dance?" he asked.

Kiara turned to Pierre with a raised eyebrow, "Will you step on my feet like you always do?" she asked sarcastically. He laughed and shook his head, "I only did that so it would be boring."

Offering his hand to her, she let out a sigh and a smile appeared on her lips before accepting his hand. Pierre smiled proudly and led her to the middle.

Pierre placed her hand on his shoulder and the other still clasped on his free one. Once his other hand landed on her waist, they swayed to the song.

They kept their eyes on each other, focusing on the other person. Kiara had danced with Pierre countless of times when they were young, she had endured the aching toes and dizzy spins but this time it was as if Pierre was not messing about.

He didn't step on her feet or was looking down, he wasn't tickling her sides or pinching it. He wasn't making funny faces or spinning her like crazy.

He was just Pierre.

Dancing with Kiara.

She didn't know what it was with Pierre lately, maybe he was changing too much or she was just seeing him in a different light.

He was so different but still the Pierre she had memorized as a child.

Once the music had stopped, they let go of each other. Kiara stared at her best friend, "Pear." she muttered.

Without saying anything, he pulled out something from his pocket and stood behind her. "Pear-" "I know you hate necklaces, you say it makes you feel suffocated. I know you only like the cross one I have but I want you to have something of yours."

Pierre placed a necklace on her, glancing down she realized the pendant was a letter P. "I know it may seem silly but you know how I am always here for you. I should have done this before but think of this a symbol. Something to remind you that you are never alone.

"You have me ma belle. You always have." he whispered. Once the necklace was clasped, Kiara turned and hugged him, "Thank you for bringing me so much joy." she whispered.

Pierre chuckled and kissed her head, "You will never lose me ma belle."


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