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XXVI. Fan Stage Audience

CANADA: June 2023


FP3 and QUALI: Pierre hated it

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FP3 and QUALI: Pierre hated it. The moment they entered the hospitality, Kiara walked away from him. From the moment he picked her up, driving to the paddock, she was silent.

He hated it. He knew how much Kiara didn't like what the PR team wanted from them, but he knew she was also upset with him. For not speaking up.

So, when he was sitting next to Jack on the fan stage, when he saw her in the crowd, he knew he had to say something.

"So, Pierre, how is Kiara?" Lissie asked with a smile. Pierre chuckled, "She's actually a bit mad at me." He said staring at her.

Kiara, who was not expecting him to say it at the fan stage, looked at him in shock, her eyes widening, a look that Pierre knew was a warning. But he wasn't scared. Not now anyways.

"Oh is that so? Any particular reason why?" the junior reporter asked. He hummed and nodded, "Just me being an idiot again. Nothing's new really." He said, as genuine as possible.

But he knew, it would take more than that to get her to forgive him. Lissie chuckled, "Well I hope it all works out. Speaking of Kiara, how different is it driving with her and with Jack?" she asked.

Pierre shrugged, "Jack is well you know Jack." He joked making the Australian snicker, "You say that because you love Kiara more." He said.

The French driver looked back at her, he nodded, "I do. I love her more." Her jaw dropped, love.

"I guess its different in a way that me and Kiara have been next to each other all our careers, we have become a team, partner and well..." he trailed as he sat up straight, not taking his eyes away from her.

"When I met Kiara, everything started going so well." He said with a different tone in his voice, something so genuine, so real, so pure that Kiara didn't know how to take it.

"She's my partner in every aspect in my life. And if you can trust your partner, with problems, issues, victories, and races, then you're the luckiest person alive because whatever you do, you have someone to lean on."

Finally, Pierre looked away from her, smiling at Lissie, as sign to continue the show and the junior reporter did. But as they moved on to another topic, Kiara stayed there.

Completely in awe, shock, and confused at what he had said. What did he mean? Why can't he just tell her what he means? Why can't he just tell her that he loves her back?

Pierre found her at the hospitality. After the qualifying, after the interviews and the debriefing, he had lost sight of her. She sat there, drinking a cup of tea. Something he knew she did when she was worried or upset.

He sat on the chair in front of her, Kiara didn't have to look. She knew it was Pierre. Especially when he placed a hand on her knee.

"Ma belle..." he whispered. She simply hummed but still refused to look at him. He sighed and squeezed her knee, "I'm sorry..." he muttered.

She placed the cup down on the table but continued to look at the people that were walking past the hospitality, "For what?" she asked him.

Pierre gulped, "For not saying anything." He said. She finally looked at him, a blank look on her face, "Why didn't you say anything?" she asked.

He frowned, she was speaking in French, she was really upset.

"Because I was scared. I didn't want to say anything else to make it harder for us." He explained. She let out a breath and shook her head, she stood up and stared at him, "You could have said something. It's like our friendship doesn't mean anything to you, I don't mean anything to you-"

"That's a lie." He said. She stared at him as he stood up. They were both looking at each other, emotional eyes staring at each other. "I always care about you." He said.

Kiara sighed and closed her eyes, "I don't know what's real anymore Pierre." She admitted. He walked to her and placed a hand on her cheek.

"Look at me ma belle."

Opening her eyes, she didn't hesitate to look back at him. He smiled, "Everything's real Kiara. I never lie to you."

She didn't say anything. She didn't want to say anything and Pierre got that.

"I can never lie to you ma belle. You know that."

That was the thing, she knew that Pierre never lied to her. Not once. And that just made her confused more.

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