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XVIII. Public Update

IMOLA: May 2023

Charles knew it would be difficult to convince him but he had to try. That was why Nathalie was there, they were all at Kiara's hospital room. It was the second day and she had yet to wake up. It made them all uneasy, but theirs didn't go to the level as what Pierre was feeling.

Charles and Nathalie watched their best friend as he talked to Kiara. "The doctor keeps saying to keep talking to you ma belle. He didn't have to tell me twice..." Pierre trailed as he rubbed her hand with his thumb.

Pierre frowned, he felt like he lost the words already. When they were told that there was a chance that Kiara could hear them, the French driver didn't stop until his throat started to hurt.

He held on that hope. He didn't like the silence, seeing her like that. Whenever there was silence, when Thalie wasn't humming or when Charles wasn't playing the new recording of his song, or when Arthur wasn't telling her stories of his races, or when Angel wasn't ranting about Max, Pierre's mind would betray him.

The images of her car crashed on the wall, seeing her being carried out her car unconscious, the rain falling from the sky, the hurting of his throat when he yelled and called out for her, the feeling of Max and Charles' grip on him.

Pierre clenched his eyes shut, he leaned on the chair he was sitting on and wiped his eyes hard, "I fckng hate it." he said with gritted teeth.

When he opened his eyes, he knew there were tears in them. He knew they would fall again, he knew they would because when he opened his eyes, his Kiara, his belle was still unconscious. Her eyes closed, depraving him of the sight of the hazel eyes he loved so much.

Pierre Gasly was not used to not hearing Kiara Bellerose. Her silent snores, her little giggles, her small voice when she wanted something, her cursing when she was frustrated, her singing a random song all of a sudden. He was not used to not having her with him.

And that broke him.

And that made him realize.

Moving closer to her body, he held her hand again. Letting out a sigh, he realized what words he wanted to say.

He let out a breath and smiled at her unmoving body, "I don't care if Charles and Thals are here..." he started as he kissed her hand, "I have to tell you this, I am in love with you."

Thalie let out a gasp and Charles' jaw dropped, they were not expecting that at all. "There. I said it, don't die, please." Pierre said with confidence.

Pierre gulped, "You know what's funny to me? I flirted with you the whole season and you didn't notice." He admitted with a laugh. Charles not believing he was hearing this, Pierre, his stubborn best friend was admitting everything.

"You were right, P is for pussy, because I was one. I was too much of a pussy to actually tell you how I feel, and I don't want it to be too late." He said as Thalie's eyes started to water. She wished that the doctors were right, that Kiara could hear them.

"I was stupid not listening to my head Ki, every single one of our friends told me I love you." Pierre said intertwining her frail fingers around his, "And I didn't accept that, until now. I'm sorry for being stupid."

The French driver felt the heaviness on his heart, just idea of her not waking up made him break, "I wanted to put my feeling aside, but they were too intense."

He sat up straight, his eyebrows furrowing, "Ma belle, please. I beg everyone, everything, please wake up. I need you to be my sunshine forever, i'm in love with you." He said, his voice cracking.

"Even if you don't like me, I need you." He whispered as the tears fell. He didn't even stop them, he let them flow. "I want to build a family with you Kiara Bellerose, please allow me to." He said as he couldn't hold it in anymore.

Lowering his head as the sobs let out. The sound making Charles' heart hurt. He did not expect the words Pierre had said. Nathalie who was wiping her eyes from the tears, nudged him.

Charles looked at her and nodded, the two walked to Pierre who was slowly calming down. It was the girl who placed a hand on his back. Pierre looked up at her and sighed.

He smiled sadly, "Do you think she heard me?" he asked. Nathalie gulped, "I hope she did. That was beautiful Pierre." She said genuinely.

Pierre nodded and looked back at Kiara. Charles took this chance, he cleared his throat, "Pierre." He said. The French hummed, he played with her fingers, preparing himself of whatever he would tell him.

"They advised that Kiara should be moved-" "Why?" Pierre asked looking at the Monegasque. Charles sighed, "Because we have to be in Monaco in two days Pierre."

The French shook his head, "I don't want to race." He said. Charles frowned, he didn't expect Pierre to say that at all. "Kiara wouldn't want you to not race at Monaco, she loves Monaco." Nathalie said.

The French stared at her, not knowing what to do but Charles placed a hand on his shoulder, "She would want you to race. She would hit you if you didn't. Tell me I'm lying." He dared him.

Pierre pursed his lips, looking back at Kiara, he knew they were right. If she was moved, at least she wouldn't be that far. He would be able to go there after every day.

Admitting defeat, he let out a breath and nodded making Charles and Thalie sigh in relief.



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