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XX. Good Morning

MONACO: May 2023

Race Day Press Con: Pierre sat next to Charles as he stared into the camera. He was out of it. He was torn, he knew he had to pull himself together but he just can't stop thinking of Kiara.

He knew she was safe, that Nathalie would call if anything happens, and he knew that if the call came, it didn't matter if he was on the track. He will box and he will leave just to get to her.

He felt Charles nudge him, clearing his throat and smiled softly, "Sorry I didn't quite catch that." He admitted.

Angel, who was in charge of the press conference nodded, she knew why he was like that but she didn't want to put much attention to it.

"We asked Jack earlier for the predictions of your cars, what's your thoughts about it?" she asked. Pierre hummed and nodded, "We have high hopes. After the free practices and the qualifying that we both did quite a good job on, we hold on to the hope that this will be a good race."

The reporter smiled and nodded, "That's great to hear. Are there any factors that make you feel different or uneasy?" she asked. Pierre's smile faltered, his hand going up to the necklace.

He let out a sigh, "Not having Kiara here." He said with a sad smile. "Of course it would be different, driving with Kiara by my side and on the same track, and now not having her, is definitely different..." he trailed.

Leaving it at that, Angel thanked him, leaving him to his thoughts again. The press conference didn't last long after that, seeing as the race was about to happen in a few hours.

Nathalie however didn't go to the track. She stayed with Kiara. She was checking some emails for work when she heard shuffling and a groan. With furrowed eyebrows, she looked up from her laptop to see Kiara moving.

The Monegasque's jaw dropped and stood up from her chair. Kiara was moving.

Kiara who barely understood what happened and her body aching, she groaned and opened her eyes slowly. She slowly started to hear Nathalie's voice.

"Doctor! Nurse! Anybody?!"

Doctor? Nurse? I'm in a hospital?

"Kiara?" she heard a male voice call out. She opened her eyes to see a doctor looming over her. "Wh-where am I?" she asked.

"You are at the hospital. Do you remember anything?" he asked. Kiara gulped, "I was, driving in Imola, it was raining and I crashed." She said.

Suddenly, Kiara felt someone hold her hand. She turned to her right to see Nathalie there. Tears flowing down her cheeks, "Thals." She said.

"You're awake. You're finally awake Ki." She said with a sob escaping her lips. Kiara furrowed her eyebrows, "How long? How long was I out?" she asked.

Nathalie frowned, "2 weeks at most." She muttered. Kiara let out a gasp, "Pierre..." she said as she patted her chest.

"My necklace. Where's my necklace?" she asked. Nathalie placed a hand on her shoulder, "Pierre has it. Don't worry." She said, trying to reassure her.

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