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XXXIII. 15 Years Later

AUSTRIA: July 2023


The fans were off to do their own things, the teams finishing for the day, the drivers leaving the track with friends, family, or partners

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The fans were off to do their own things, the teams finishing for the day, the drivers leaving the track with friends, family, or partners.

But Kiara stayed, she promised an explanation and she was not leaving the track without giving one. And knowing Pierre, she wouldn't break that promise.

He walked to where she was, seeing her leaning on her hands from behind as her legs were crisscrossed. She looked peaceful and that made him smile.


She opened her eyes and leaned her head back, catching his blue eyes. In her point of view, he was upside down making her smile. He raised an eyebrow at her, "What's so funny?" he asked.

"You're upside down Pear." She said amusedly. He shook his head and offered his hand. Accepting it, she stood up and the two started to walk on the track. As they walked in silence, the lights started to turn on.

The silence wasn't suffocating, their patience was thinning though, especially his. She knew that he was going to ask again, impatient pear.

"I know you want to know why I messaged you about winning." She started. He hummed but she didn't look at him, controlling herself. She didn't want to cry, their talk was barely starting yet.

"Before I tell you, I think I need to tell you how I realized it." Kiara had stopped walking making him stop as well. He turned to her but she looked at his feet.

He sighed and walked to hold her hand, he knew she wouldn't look.

"15 years ago, I met the outspoken, unbothered, talented boy. He wasn't scared to fight me on the sim, to beat me in karting, to chase our dreams together. Little did I know, he was going to stay in my life."

Kiara took this moment to look at him. She saw his smile making her smile as well.

"You became my best friend, teammate, and was just there wherever I was. You were there Pierre and I wouldn't change that a bit."

"What does that have to do with me winning?" he asked still confused. Kiara smiled and let out a chuckle, "I know about the bet the others talked about when we were still in Bahrain, before the PR started."

Pierre looked at her in shock, "You-you do?" he asked nervously. He didn't want her to think that his feelings were a bet. Because it wasn't.

She let out a breath and prepared the words that she had practiced on the way to the track. "After 15 years, I have experienced so many things with you. I admit there are times that I'm not aware about my actions, especially when I pushed you away when we got home." She said with extreme guilt.

Pierre squeezed her hand, a reassurance towards her and for her to continue. "And I am so sorry if I realized it too late." She admitted.

His jaw dropped, "Ki..." She smiled at him, "It took me 15 years to realize how much I like you Pierre. And not as a best friend or a teammate, but as you."

"I like you so much that it's scary. It's scary because I know it will change everything between us. But honestly, I could hardly care right now."

Kiara studied him, wanting to see his eyes. His eyes always showed what he was feeling. He could lie through his teeth, smile even if he wasn't happy, but his eyes, they never lied to her.

"If I think about it, you have caught my attention no matter what happened. Your stupid jokes, annoying wake up calls, silly song choices, the radio banters we have. You stand out like, just look at you Pierre. How could I not see it before?" she asked as the tears started to fall.

He wiped them away, his touch so normal to her she let out a cry. "That's why, you won the bet Pierre. I have liked you, 15 years late. I'm sorry for not telling you." She said.

Pierre smiled, "You're not too late." He whispered as he walked closer to her.


"You could never be too late ma belle."

And before anything else, any other words were exchanged, before someone could interrupt them, Pierre didn't waste any more time.

He crashed his lips on hers. She immediately kissed him back. It was their first kiss, not as drunken best friends, not as a spin the bottle dare, and not as PR, but as Kiara and Pierre.

And it was precious and private.

No cameras, not dares, no bets, just them.

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