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X. Her Safe Space

AZERBAIJAN: April 2023

Race Day: Kiara got out the car frustrated, she moved quickly through interviews and debriefs until she reached her drivers room. Even with the moment with Pierre in the car, those words are on her mind.

And to add up to that, the Pierre was acting. He was still the annoying and stubborn French boy she grew up with. But this time, he was more clingy and flirty. She could not comprehend if it was because of the PR or its another thing.

It was eating her thoughts alive. And it affected her run. And she felt so frustrated with herself she wanted to leave the circuit already. She was so ashamed of herself that she didn't want the mechanics and the engineers and the rest of the team to see her.

So, she changed out of her race suit and into her extra pair of clothes. But her plan of leaving was interrupted by the French driver.

She had just exited her driver's room and just walked at least 10 steps on her way out when Peirre found her. He too had changed from his race suit and into some more comfortable clothes.

"Ma belle." he said grabbing her hand. She stared at them and her shoulders sagged. Her lips formed a frown and it made Pierre worried.

"Tell me what's wrong" he said with his eyebrows furrowed. "I feel frustrated. I feel horrible. I let the team down." she whispered.

Pierre heard it clearly. His heart broke and placed a hand under her chin. He raised her head so that she was looking at her.

"It was a bad day, it's okay. There's a next one-"

"I can't afford making mistakes Pierre." she cut him off. He braced himself, he knew she was going to open up some pent up frustration but she was ready.

"Unlike you, the sports world, the F1 world is cruel to women like me. I can't make a hiccup, a mistake. It lasts, it never goes away. Me letting down the team, not being able to race good will be brought up to me until the end of my career." she said.

Her chest going up and down, her breathing heavy, she stared at him, frustrated and annoyed at her self.

Pierre walked closer to her, placing his hands on her cheeks, "I know. I have been by your side our whole career. I know how cruel they can be, and I understand but you know you will never face it alone."

He let out a sigh and caressed her cheek, "You are talented, smart, and stubborn. You are Kiara Bellerose, you can jump back from this." he reminded her.

Kiara closed her eyes and let out a breath. "Smile it off ma belle. You can use me as a human shield again if you want to." he whispered. She opened her eyes, hazel eyes meeting blue eyes.

"Are you sure?"


"How about a human punching bag? You still up for that?"

Pierre let out a laugh and nodded, "If that will make you happy, yes." She pouted and batted her eyelashes, "Hugs?" she asked.

He hummed and wrapped his arms around her, "Silly ma belle. You can have all the hugs you need..."



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