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VII. Burger Challenge

AUSTRALIA: March 2023


@fan0001: I love how Kiara doesn't wear the team shirts and Alpine lets her

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@fan0001: I love how Kiara doesn't wear the team shirts and Alpine lets her

      @AlpineF1Team: perks of being the grid princess ;)

@fan18: kiara slaying the whole season by being the grid princess

      @PierreGASLY: hell yeah she is

@lightningmcharles:do you see this @thals? PEAR SHE CALLS HIM PEAR

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@lightningmcharles:do you see this @thals? PEAR SHE CALLS HIM PEAR

     @thals: that's not new though?

     @lightningmcharles: its NEW AGAIN

     @ateangel: relax cha HAHAHA

@PierreGASLY: ma belle <3

     @KikiBelle: Pear :')

     ➥@KikiBelle: Pear :')

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