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XVII. Safety Car

IMOLA: May 2023

RACE DAY: Kiara stared at the sky, she played with the pendant of her necklace. Pierre watched her in worry. After qualifying, the weather didn't seem to clear up.

Knowing FIA, it had to be heavy heavy rain for the race to be canceled. Kiara knew that there a slim chance of the race to be canceled.

Pierre couldn't take it anymore, he walked to her and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from behind. He nuzzled his face on the crook of her neck.

She let out a breath, "It's going to rain Pear." she whispered. Pierre nodded and pulled her tighter, "I know. It's going to be okay ma belle." he said.

He felt herself let out a sigh, "I feel like something bad will-" Pierre cut her off, turning her to him and placing a quick kiss on her lips.

Kiara blinked in shock, she did not expect him to do that. He hummed, "Nothing will happen Kiara. You'll be safe, I'll be safe." he said.

They stared at each other and she gulped, "Pear..." she trailed. He hummed and tucked her hair behind her ear, "Yes?" he asked.

He saw her cheeks turn red and he smiled, "What is it Ki?" he whispered. "Will you do it again?" she asked.

Pierre furrowed his eyebrows, "What will I do it again?" he asked, urging her to say whatever was bothering her.

She pursed her lips, reaching her hand out, she traced his lips with his thumb. Pierre could feel his heart race at the action, she hummed and smiled shyly, "Will you kiss me again?"

He did not expect her to ask that. But not wasting any time, he pulled her by the waist and placed his lips on hers. He felt her sigh and smile, he felt her hands on his cheeks making him kiss her deeper.

It was different from the kisses he would give her when they were drunk kiss on the podium, it felt real. So, when they parted, Kiara kept her eyes closed.

Pierre chuckled and kissed her forehead, "We'll be okay ma belle. I promise."

Kiara found herself sitting in the car, she was waiting for the team to push her out the pit box. She was staring at nothing, contrary to other's belief, drivers usually has nothing in their mind when the race is about to start.

And that was what Kiara was experiencing. Unbeknownst to her, she was unconsciously scratching her chest, trying to look and fiddle with the necklace Pierre gave her. And she also didn't realize that the camera had caught her action.

Everything felt real to her when she was given the go signal, when she was on her place on the grid, waiting for lights out.

The engines turned on, lights red, staring at them until it turned green and then, "Lights out and away we go!"

Kiara was in the zone, focusing on the race and on the promise that Pierre left her, We'll be okay ma belle. I promise.

The words repeating in her mind as she drove past the turns, past her friends, past the stands. She had a great grip and run when all of the sudden.

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