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VI. Tiktok Video

AUSTRALIA: March 2023



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Kiara typed something on her phone as the live started. She was humming to a song that was playing inside the hotel room. When the watchers finally popped in she smiled at the screen.

"Hello everyone!" she greeted with a chuckle. She fixed the phone as she read the messages. She smiled as they greeted her back, "I actually flew to Australia earlier than expected." she said with a giggle.

"I hope you will accompany me while I get ready." Kiara said as she pulled out her things. She started to sing quietly as she prepped her face. Not really planning on putting to much seeing as she would be going to the beach.

"Australia is such a nice place. Especially the beaches! It's been a while since I have been to one." she said as she continued her tasks.

Kiara did her best answering as much questions as she can. The driver was pretty much focused in getting ready and with the messages popping up on her phone when the viewers realized she started looking past her phone.

She smiled at what the viewers could guess who. She shook her head at the person before pointing to something. The viewers can hear walking and the opening and closing of doors.

Kiara didn't give mind the messages that were asking who it was. She talked about Thalie and her plans when the former arrives in Australia. After talking about random things she could think of until she finished.

"What do we think?" she asked as she posed. She giggled at the hearts that were sent to her. She went closure to the phone and propped her chin on her arms. She read through the messages.

"Hmmm, I am just waiting for someone-" she didn't get to finish her sentence when the door open. She looked up and smiled and nodded, "Well, that's my cue! I'll see you guys soon!" she said before waving and turning off the live.

Making sure it has stopped, she stood up as Pierre walked to her. She was checking her phone when she felt Pierre wrap his arms around her from behind.

Her cheeks grew warm as her breath hitched. "Ma belle..." he whispered as he placed his chin on her shoulder. She shook her head and turned to look at him.

Pierre was looking at her phone, watching the video that was playing on her for you page. "Pear..." she mumbled. That caught him off guard. Turning her around, he looked at her in shock.

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