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I'm just standing like a statue while trying to control my tears with all my strength, but they're betraying me. The people who were smiling and chatting with me just moments ago are now lying there as lifeless bodies. I can't... no more... I can't handle this situation!

Why is my father like this? Why hasn't he shed a single tear, even though I can see an ocean in his eyes, huge tears that refuse to fall? He's not saying anything... not doing anything... Uncle Choi is taking care of everything regarding the funeral.

My birthday... I hate my birthday... just hours ago, it was my most memorable and happiest day ever, but now everything has flipped to the opposite... still memorable, but the worst day... I wish I could go back in time and bring Omma with us... but I can't, I know... I wish this could be a dream... but I know...


In these 2 days, I've been with Appa, but he's not responding to me... now he's not even shedding tears... I can't see a single tear drop in his eyes... he's like a lifeless man lying on the bed...

Uncle Choi went to settle our USA program and something else I don't know... I'm not in my senses to talk with him about that... I've lost everyone; the only one left is my Appa... now my priority is my Appa...

Mr. Jeon came and gave me confidence to recover from my trauma and become bold because I want to... just because I want to, for my Appa... he told me to ask him for anything and he will provide help. I just nodded... he left and then he didn't come back... now I'm just waiting for Uncle Choi...

The thing is, I'm trying to wake up my father. It's been 2 minutes and he hasn't even replied to me with any action, just lying there... my heartbeat is not normal... I don't know what to do...

I call Uncle Choi; Secretary Bong answers the call and says that they're about to land the plane at the airport and he'll be here in 5 minutes, then cuts the call before even hearing me... I can understand that Uncle Bong is the one answering the call, so they must be busy... I'm like a crying mess... I called the ambulance... but it's heavy raining... minutes are passing after I called the ambulance...

(Their mansion is big, but there's not even a single maid because Y/N's mother and grandmother do most of the things, and she taught Y/N everything. Y/N also did everything because she didn't want them to work so hard... all the family members objected when her father tried to hire a maid, so he didn't dare to hire another...)

( y/n mansion)

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( y/n mansion)

I decided to take Omma's car and rush my father to the hospital; I couldn't risk waiting. He's all I have left now. I tried with every ounce of energy I had, but he didn't budge. I couldn't carry him... what should I do? I'm sweating, tearing up... holding onto him tightly...


I ran to the door and saw Mr. Jeon standing there, carrying fruits and various things. The side of his coat was wet.

"Oh, Y/N, where is your father? I was on my way home after landing at the airport and then I thought I'd—" I interrupted him mid-sentence. I felt sorry for cutting him off while he was still talking, but I didn't have time.

"Mr. Jeon, can you please help me take Appa to the hospital? He's not waking up... I've been trying so hard..." Before I could finish my sentence, he rushed to Appa's room, gesturing to his bodyguards. They quickly moved Appa into Mr. Jeon's car.

"Come on, Y/N, we don't have much time... he's freezing cold," Mr. Jeon urged as he led me to his car, with one of his bodyguards holding an umbrella to shield me from the rain.

I sat in the backseat, cradling Appa in my arms. Mr. Jeon sat in the passenger seat, urging his driver to speed up.

Waiting outside the doctor's room, I saw Uncle Choi... I ran to him and hugged him, pouring out everything that had happened.

"Mr. Jeon is in the doctor's room... he was talking with the doctor... what's going on, Uncle? What about Appa? He's all I have... does he have...?" My voice trailed off as Uncle Choi patted me reassuringly.

"Did you eat anything?" he asked.

I shook my head, wiping away my tears. He said he'd bring food even i said i don't want but who cares ,he left.

Then I saw Uncle Bong (Secretary of Choi). He rushed towards me, and I confided in him too. He tried to comfort me, his own tears threatening to fall, He tried his maximum , he excused himself to take a call.

Sitting there, eating the food Uncle Choi brought, I asked Uncle to fetch my clothes from home since it seemed Appa would be admitted to the hospital. I explained that they were already packed from the night we prepared to leave for the USA, and I asked him to pack Appa's clothes too. He nodded, patting my head proudly, and left.

When Mr. Jeon came out, he reassured me that everything would be fine; Appa was just in a deep sleep. The cause was a lack of sleep, food, heavy stress, depression, and more. They had given him glucose. I relaxed and thanked Mr. Jeon.

"You don't need to thank me... if you must, then do me a favor," he said.

I looked at him, confused.

"Can you please call me Uncle? Please don't address me so formally... you have to... now you owe me, so you have to call me Uncle."

He chuckled, and a smile formed on my face. I agreed. He was so gentle; I could see the purity of his heart. I knew he was kind, but I didn't realize he was this gentle.

After much insistence, Mr. Jeon left. He didn't want to leave me alone, but I assured him that Uncle Choi and Uncle Bong were there, and my friend Taniya was coming too. He left, telling me to contact him if I needed anything. I smiled and nodded, feeling immensely grateful. Perhaps he didn't have any children of his own, just like Uncle Choi, but I could feel his fatherly love.

I busied myself in the room with Uncle Choi, Uncle Bong, and Taniya. They were preparing to move Appa from the ICU to a regular room when I heard doctors rushing to the ICU where my father lay. Panic seized me, and Uncle Choi ran towards the ICU, gesturing for Uncle Bong to follow.

I was crying uncontrollably; I didn't know what was happening. I stood in front of the ICU, trembling. Uncle Bong tried his best to calm me in the room, but how could I? I hugged Taniya tightly, and she gently tapped my back.

Then I saw Uncle Choi rushing towards me, panic evident on his face as he held a piece of paper.

"Y/N, your Appa just had a heart attack, and the doctor says he needs urgent surgery."

"Then tell them to do it... why are they waiting? Please, save my Appa... please..." My pleading echoed through the hospital, tears streaming down my face.

"Y/N, you have to sign..."

I grabbed the paper and signed it, tears blurring my vision. He didn't wait a second longer and dashed towards the doctor's room.


She is not aware of jungkook...and story is not even started...you guyz will see it after some updates...but these things are important .

To be continued!!!

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