☆ 39_The Realization ☆

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Their car stopped in front of jeon mansion jungkook quickly get out and walked other side to open the door for y/n but he saw that she already ran towards the door ... he then closed the door of car  which is opened and walked towards the mansion ..

y/n and jungkook opened the front door. y/n eyes got widen  seeing bong laying on the floor tied. jimin and dylan attention caught them..

"UNCLE BONG..." y/n ran towards him and looked him he is not injured but tied. she looked the ties and looked jimin 

"JImin..do you have any idea about  what are you doing ....why you tied him..he is my only uncle,(sigh and looked dylan)  dylan  you also.." y/n said in anger 

"No no..Y/n hear me..don't act like jungkook ..first hear me " dylan said ...while she is trying to untie it ...jungkook gave adeath glare to dylan 

"Uncle i am sure that ..they are in a misunderstanding so let me untie you first .."  y/n said then she noticed bong's face .. he is looking her with an evil smrink ...

y/n frowned her brow then jimin came and hold y/n's hand to make her look him . suddenly jungkook walk near him and drag y/n towards him which make the hold of jimin break . jimin take back his hands and looked floor , then flip his hair and looked another side 

jungkook moved y/n  towards him pressing her shoulder towards his chest ..she is standing next to him  trying to get out from his grip 

jungkook glared jimin.."hyung  you can tell her about anything but no touching  " jimin awkwardly nodded

"Jungkook leave me ...here  so many problems are going on and you ... i have no problem if he touch me or not that doesn't matters you.." she said and looked jungkook while getting out from his grip ..jungkook glared y/n 

seeing this dylan make a fake cough..everyone looked him

"Look tell me why you tied him...i can't see him like this you better untie him..." Y/n said..

"That's not in my concern tell me everything hyung ..the things you all are hiding from me for these months!!... i found lia is messaging me something that i don't have any idea about !" jungkook said

"Ok..ok..calm guys... and be ready to hear the truth " dylan said and looked jimin 

"Look y/n hear me ... we told you right..that  something is mysterious and we found the truth...that that.... adalia and her mother is innocent " y/n and jungkook frowned their brows

"Then what are you ... trying to say .don't say that ..." y/n looked jimin and bong..

"Yes y/n he is the one did all these things...everyshits...its your uncle bong...he is stabbing you from behind all these times..you are just blind to see his dark side and we too ..we found everything late.." Y/n stumbled her steps take a back step hitting her back on jungkook chest ...he hold her shoulders 

"NO..jimin there must be have any misunderstanding.."

"NO y/n we are sure..that first he is the one who killed lee family and took the properties..."

y/n sit on the floor panting while placing her right palm on her left chest ..tears roll down from her face 

"Why... why does everything end up like this? I wish all of this could be a dream... now look, everyone I cherished in my life is doing filthy things behind my back... stabbing me... and I'm just dumb, letting it happen! Why don't you just kill me instead of breaking me like this... first Uncle Choi, and now you, Uncle Bong!" Y/N said, her voice cracking as she looked at Bong. Jungkook glanced at Y/N, his expression blank, as if he were realizing he had been wrong his entire life.

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