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I stirred from my slumber at the sound of a gentle knock on the door. I had spent the night before in front of the operation room, and it seemed the operation had been successful. Uncle Bong insisted I retreat to my room to rest, assigning Taniya to look after me.

But Taniya wasn't here now; perhaps she had gone to fetch some food. Uncle Choi and Bong were likely at the company. But where were they? Was there a problem? Had they refrained from waking me because I was asleep?

Opening the door, I found Uncle Jeon, his face etched with concern.

"Oh, Y/N, are you okay?" He entered, and I motioned for him to take a seat.

I nodded.

"I told you to call me if you needed anything. I came to see you and asked the doctor about your father. I heard everything from him. I was shocked to hear that your Appa has fallen into a coma. But don't worry, dear. The doctor said that with treatment and medication, he can regain consciousness. I'm here to check on you. Are you alright?"

He looked at me, and I managed a smile and nodded.

"Have you had breakfast? I brought some. Please eat. You have to eat something, please don't refuse. Do you know why I'm here taking care of you now? Because I care for you as if you were my own child, and more than that, I owe your father. He was there for me when I was broken, after my wife's death. Your father lifted me up from the floor. So now he needs me, or rather, I want to be there for him, for my own sake."

My eyes welled with tears. I grabbed a bun and began to eat slowly while Uncle Jeon continued to talk. He encouraged me to be bold, reminding me that I needed to get through this and that I was the sole heir to our family's wealth. After my graduation, I have  to take over the company and become the CEO. His words filled me with newfound determination.

"Yes, I want to go to college starting tomorrow and begin everything. Now, I'm all my Appa has."

"Y/N, my girl, be bold, okay? I know you understand everything I've told you."

"Uncle, but I can't leave my Appa here. He doesn't like being hospitalized. And what about my Appa when I'm at university? He'll be alone, and he needs his medicines."

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I glanced at my father lying on the bed. The doctor had informed me that he had slipped into a coma because he couldn't bear to be conscious. I knew it was because he couldn't live without Amma, but what about me?

After hearing my concerns, Uncle Jeon assured me that he would arrange everything at home, complete with full medical equipment and nurses. I couldn't make a decision, so I tried calling Uncle Choi, but he didn't answer. I finally decided to agree on my own.

He went to speak with the doctor, and in the meantime, Taniya entered the room.

Everything was arranged, and now we were back home. Uncle Jeon had left after much persuasion from me. He told me to call anytime I needed help and had even arranged bodyguards to watch over us, insisting that he wanted to know if I needed assistance. But I promised him I wouldn't disturb him anymore. I owed him more than anyone, and I couldn't burden him further. He left, promising to visit when he had some free time.

My bond with Uncle Jeon was deepening in these trying times. He had helped me so much, and I knew the cost he bore for our sake was not small. I was immensely grateful to him.

I dialed Uncle Choi's number for the twentieth time, but he still didn't pick up. Neither did Uncle Bong. Were they busy with company matters, or had something urgent come up? I decided to stop calling, assuming the latter.

There was only one nurse here, as per my request. I didn't like the idea of multiple nurses attending to Appa. If I could, I would care for him myself, but I couldn't. Her name was Isabell; she was around forty years old.

I returned to university, where everyone greeted me with sympathetic looks. I immersed myself in my studies, with Taniya by my side throughout.


"What?! This is my house! Who are you guys to stop me from entering?!" I exploded with anger.

"We're sorry, but we can't let you inside. Our boss instructed us not to allow you entry..."

"Boss?! Who the hell is your boss?!"

"Mr. Choi..." 

My heart sank to my stomach. I stood there in shock as they pushed me, causing me to fall to the ground. How could he? What was happening? No, this couldn't be true... my father... he was inside that house... No, I couldn't let this happen... 

Someone lifted me up from the floor, scolding the bodyguards...


To be contined!!!

𝗧𝗛𝗘  𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗗  𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗘 |JK| |ff|Where stories live. Discover now