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"Lick it. That's your dinner for today."


"I won't repeat myself. You heard me right. Lick it," Jimin ordered, seated on the bed as he looked at Y/N.

"This is too much... stop this," Y/N said , tears streaming down her face.

"This is your punishment for disobeying me. You're the reason for your situation. It's all because of you... Are you going to disobey me again?" Jimin's tone was cold and menacing.

Y/N stood there, staring at her hand filled with his cum, wishing she could disappear from this nightmare.

"You don't have much time. I have plenty of stamina. You can wash your hands and do it with your mouth, or I'm ready for a ride *wink*... Do you want that? If I make you do it, I'll make sure you drink it. Now, I'm only asking you to lick it," Jimin said, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Y/N, it's your choice... or are you really going to tell me that you'll never do it?" He stood up, and Y/N flinched, snapping back from her thoughts.

"I... I... I'll do it," Y/N stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jimin's face twisted into an evil smile as Y/N reluctantly brought her finger to her mouth. She closed her eyes and licked it, tears streaming down her face. She looked at Jimin, pleading silently, while his expression clearly showed his victory.

"Now, never try to disobey me again, or anyone else. You can go to the washroom now," Jimin said casually.

Y/N ran to the washroom, where she spat out everything and vomited for a few seconds. After washing her hands repeatedly with soap, she tried to compose herself.

"I can't live here... I have no one, so no one will come to rescue me... I have to take the risk and find a way out," she resolved.

After a minute, she emerged from the washroom.

"Go, get out of here and do the job Jungkook told you downstairs," Jimin said nonchalantly, grabbing a cloth from his closet as if nothing had happened.

"W-which job?" 

"Go and clean up. If Jungkook sees it wet, he'll definitely get mad and kill you. So, quick, go!" Jimin mocked, with a smile that sent chills down Y/N's spine.

She rushed to the door, trying to open it, but it was locked. As she struggled, she felt Jimin's hand wrap around her waist from behind.

"You're trying too hard. If you're planning to leave this mansion, I'm warning you... you'll regret it," he whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"You're soft like a flower," Jimin murmured, his touch making Y/N's skin crawl. He placed a wet kiss on her neck, and she whimpered ,this the first incident in her whole life being treated this bad , she can't bare the pain she going through but she have to 


He sighed and reluctantly released her. 

"Okay, but remember, I can see you anytime,"

 he said, his voice husky. Y/N ran out, terrified, and Jimin watched her go with a strange smile.

As she descended the stairs, Y/N's eyes caught sight of a camera, a reminder that Jungkook could see everything she did. 

Rolling on the wet floor, she absorbed the water and hurried to the bathroom to spin her dress dry. She repeated this process several times until the floor was dry enough for her to remove the glass pieces.


When she opened her eyes to the sunlight streaming in, she attempted to stand up, but the bruises from Jimin's beating made movement excruciating. Her palms, burned by Jungkook the day before, refused to support her weight.

As she awaited Tae's punishment, three men descended the stairs, their striking appearances captivating her attention. 

"Lost in my beauty?" Tae teased, bringing Y/N back to awareness. 

She struggled to stand, but managed to compose herself.

"You didn't prepare our breakfast," Jungkook accused, grabbing her hair roughly.

"I... just... woke up," Y/N stammered.

"You sleep too much. Why aren't you fulfilling your duties?" Jungkook's voice dripped with anger.

"Master, your breakfast is ready," a woman in her forties intervened. Jungkook released Y/N's hair to confront the woman.

"Why did you do that? Why didn't you wake her to prepare breakfast? Your job is outside, not serving us inside. Understand?" Jungkook's tone brooked no argument.

"Master, she's exhausted. She worked tirelessly yesterday without eating. She seems weak," the woman explained.

"SO what? Never do this again," Jungkook warned before returning to the dining table. The others followed suit, beginning their meal.

"Don't feed her. I'm forgiving you this time, but don't do it again," Jungkook instructed the woman before turning his attention back to his food.

Approaching Y/N, the woman help her to walk inside to  kitchen

she was tired of wearing that dress for these days ... she have to change into a new one ,so she decided to ask that woman 

"Miss, Do you have some cloths to lend me" 

That lady hand her a biscuit. "I'm sorry, dear, but I don't have any spare clothes. Perhaps you should ask the master."

Y/N reluctantly accepted the biscuit, her hunger evident in her eager consumption. She had never experienced hunger like this before, having always had an abundance of food at her disposal.

Unable to bear her current state, Y/N decided to ask Jungkook for clothes. She approached him tentatively as he stood near the stairs, engrossed in his phone.

"*clearing throat*... I have no clothes to change into," Y/N spoke up, hoping for some compassion.

Jungkook merely hmmed in response, his attention still on his phone.

"... it would be better if you..." Y/N trailed off, unsure of how to express her need.

"You don't need to order me," Jungkook interrupted tersely before abruptly leaving.

Left standing there, Y/N couldn't help but feel bewildered.

 "Did I say something wrong?" she wondered aloud.

"You definitely did," a voice chimed in, causing Y/N to turn around and see a beautiful girl standing behind her.


To be continued!!!

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