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"y/n... be calm... are you ok?? i was just..i really didn't mean to hurt you .." jungkook said while y/n is shivering with panick attack when jungkook hold her hands .

Jungkook was stun ,he didn't understand what was going on with her.."Y/n please be calm.. what happened..." jungkook screamed in panick seeing y/n in this condition but he didn't dare to touch her again that ,this happen when he hold her hands...

her eyes are red ,palm and whole body is cold as ice and she is shivering looking jungkook ..she is trying to hold it ,try to say him that she is okay but she coudn't 

"WHAT happened y/n..." Jimin ran from the door entrance 

"i don't know jimin.. i just hold her hands to stop her from falling when she adjust that vase.." Jungkook said with panick

"You hold her... ?" jimin said and looked y/n ,he understood the situation and ran to to dinning table and grab a bottle of water and gave to y/n but didn't touch her in anyway

"Drink this y/n ,be calm.."Jimin said and looked jungkook who is still confused

"Why? ..what happend to her?" jungkook asked jimin ,when jimin looked floor and said 

"jungkook she had a panick attack just now because of your touch..! she still fear you ..that's why.." 

"What.. but she never told.."

"Yes..she never told this anyone ..i found this someday ago ,that she is consulting a psychatrist doctor for 4 years and she came here because of that doctors instructions to make her overcome her fear , it was her doctor's order.." jimins said everything to him..jungkook understand the situation 

In these mint y/n found herself calm and took her purse and swallow her tablet .

"I know jimin ,no wonder why she acted like this .i know i did the worst things with her " jungkook said looked y/n

She standup and went near jungkook

"jungkook , it was nothing but don't touch me without warning i mean sudden touch of your's will evoke me truma sensation so i think you should touch me when i am aware of the situation..i  know you catch me from falling ..i am thankful for that i never wanted to tell you this but this only happened beacause you touch me sudden but if i sawed you earlier before you hold me i will not get this attack ...it's nothing just leave it.." y/n said

"Y/n.. i am ." jungkook feel the guilt

"leave it jungkook...we are here to arrange their bedroom..you all forgot about that ,our new marraige couples room.."Y/n said with a smile

"Oh!! yes..they will reach here anytime.. " Jimin said while adjusting the flower vase

"Where is raichel jungkook?" y/n asked to him ,he is in his thought

"uhum..she-she went to take my tie.."

"Jungkook here take this.." racichel ran from nowhere and gave him his tie ..when jungkook didn't take that from her hands

"Tie it for me!" he said ..racihel grown..
"Jungkook we are out of time.." Raichhel hit his chest and make him tie that while jungkook smiled looking her ..

Jimin and y/n also smiled at them 

"SO everything is ready?" y/n asked 

"I think so ..! "Jimin said 

"What about tani ..she is also with him is it" Rachel asked

"Yes i wish ..the plan will not spoiled because of her !" Y/n said the three of them nodded..

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