☆ 19 ☆

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She tried to break free from his grip.

"Trying too hard!" he said, chuckling.

She hadn't eaten in two days, only drinking water. Fever gripped her, yet she refused to rest. Her vision blurred, and she clung to Jungkook's shirt to remain upright.

"Look at you now, showing your true colors... look who's holding onto my shirt," he said, disgusted, as he observed her. She fell unconscious against his chest.

For a few moments, Jungkook stood there, frozen like a statue. He didn't know why, but his heart raced.


Y/N woke up to find herself lying on the couch in Tae's room. He was busy on his laptop. She tried to sit up.

"You're awake. I've given you basic treatment. Don't ever pass out again; we're not interested in nursing you," he said as he administered an injection to Y/N.

"Then give me something to eat, just to stay alive. I'm doing all the chores and..." She shouted , a tear escaping her eye. the mental pressure and physical pain , the things she is going through is too much for her now!!.Tae glanced at her briefly, and she feared he would punish her for speaking out.

He approached the shelf and handed her a biscuit. "Eat this and leave," he ordered.

She ate the biscuit and left the room, only to find Jungkook with Raichel.

"This man has so many girls, yet he's still cheating on her," Y/N muttered quietly, turning to leave.

"Stop there and come here," Jungkook commanded. She was shocked. Had he heard her? She slowly approached him.

"I said your punishment isn't over. Listen... you won't stay inside the mansion at night anymore," he declared, standing up.

She looked confused.

"You'll sleep outside near the fountain, and you won't get a blanket. Don't even think about trying to escape. If you do, you'll face the consequences in our basement. You'll sleep there for one month!" he stated, then turned to Raichel to continue their business.

'No... I won't try to escape. In my current condition, I can't, it will come a day i will escape here leaving you all with regret and i am waiting for see that ' she replied thought and nodded before leaving.

Days passed

Y/N was sleeping outside the mansion. It wasn't easy to endure the whole night, especially with the snowfall. She always wore a hoodie, which provided some relief. However, it was the only comfort she had, as she only possessed three pairs of pants and shirts, two hoodies, and one t-shirt.

It had been several months since then. During this time, she avoided situations where she might encounter Jungkook and Jimin. Most nights, they brought different girls, and she could hear their screams while she worked downstairs. Consequently, she avoided going upstairs at night.

Raichel visited every day, but not during the night. One day, when Y/N got her period, she had no one to confide in. Afraid to tell Jungkook or the other men, she confided in Raichel. Raichel helped by providing her with packets of new pads and advised her not to disclose such matters to Jungkook.

As for Jungkook, he never missed an opportunity to torment Y/N. He often burned her hands with his cigarettes, and sometimes splashed hot or cold water on her. He even ordered bodyguards to splash cold water on her when she slept outside. Occasionally, he instructed the maids not to give Y/N any biscuits for days. He beat her relentlessly, subjected her to shock treatment, and found any excuse to torture her. Once, he made her stand under the fountain for an entire day. Though only months had passed, it felt like a year to her.

She wasn't the bold girl she once was, but she tried her best.


  she walked to the hall with a mop,.

"Y/N, call Jungkook. Something urgent came up," Tae said, while Jimin was also in a hurry, looking through some files.

Did he mean to talk about that red file? She wondered, then hurried upstairs.

She opened her mouth to call him, but stopped short when she saw the scene before her.

Jungkook had Rachel pinned against the wall next to his room, holding her tightly. He was caressing her waist as she lifted her left leg and placed it around Jungkook's waist.

Their kisses were aggressive, their hands roaming over each other's bodies. A moan escaped from Rachel as they became more passionate.

Y/N realized the situation was getting more complicated, so she made a sound like a cough to interrupt them. But who heard her? So she coughed loudly again.

They both stopped and looked at Y/N.

"Aishhhhhhh... why are you disturbing us?" Rachel said with a pout.

"Who told you to come between our private space?" Jungkook said, looking at Y/N with a side glance, then continued caressing Rachel's body.

"It's not like that... um... Tae sir called you," she said.

"Tell him I'll come after some time," Jungkook said, walking towards his room while holding Rachel. She smiled at Jungkook, caressing his face and giving him a peck on the lips.

"No... he said it's something important," Y/N said, looking at Jungkook. She couldn't hear Tae's shouting, so she tried her best to stop Jungkook.

His face turned to anger, and he placed Rachel on the floor, looking at Y/N with dark eyes, but Jungkook said nothing and went downstairs.

"Did you tell the truth, or are you just trying to stop him by doing those things to me? Do you love him?" Rachel asked, raising one eyebrow.

"No, ma'am... please don't say that... I'm not in love with anyone... and I told the truth... if you go downstairs, you can see," she said, turning to leave.

"Anyway, it's not a problem... even if you try to seduce him, he will never look at another girl other than me," Rachel said, placing her falling hair behind her ear with a shy face.

"You don't know what is happening behind your back... you are getting cheated by him... oh... how can I tell her that... maybe he is just using her," Y/N thought to herself, nodding her head.

"Do you know something... I'm very happy right now... that our marriage is fixed... finally, we are getting married after 2 years of our relationship... I can't explain my happiness," she said, smiling continuously as she spoke each word. Y/N could see her happiness just by looking at her.

"Two years of relationship... !!!!! That bastard... he's not a good guy like you think..." she thought to herself but didn't have the courage to tell her.

"Congratulations," Y/N said.

Rachel just smiled at her and gave her a big chocolate.

"No... I don't want this... if they finds out... about this..."

"No problem... it's just for my happiness... I don't have anyone other than Jungkook... this is my life's happiest moment, so just take it... he will not scold you," she patted Y/N on the back and left with a cheerful smile.

Y/N's face turned to a smile just seeing that chocolate.

"Finally, I got something tasty to eat," her eyes became teary just by seeing that chocolate.

But at the same time, she felt bad for Rachel.

"How can he cheat on a girl like her... I think she's serious... but he... what if I told her the truth... no, he will kill me... but I can't be selfish," she thought deeply.

who knows the upcoming things...the awfull things gonna happen in next comming days..


To be continued!!!

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