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"How about this one.'

'yes i think this suits me well on this dress!'

Jungkook pluck his watch around his wrist and looked himself on mirror. He is wearing a Dark brown suit , silver chain watch ,black shoes .he tied his long hair behind ,wearing his specs looking perfect .

"I think i should change my hairstyle.."he smiled and untie his hair to fell that all on his face ,it was pretty long behind .he just adjusted all those with his fingers

"JUngkook enough!!... this is not your Marraige ..come out we are running out of time.."

Jungkook smiled and looked mirror

"haaa..i am comming!!" he screamed and just looked his face on the mirror and adjusted his glass then loose his tie

"seems so boring in my perfect body" he said and took out the tie and throw it on the bed

"now perfect" just then he took his perfume and spray it on his body

"We are going ... You can take your time ..only one request please come before marraige ends" tae screamed in front of jungkook's room door

Jungkook smiled

"Yeah you can go"

he said with a smile then looked mirror .he looked himself ,he just looked himself for some seconds but slowly smile fades

he shook his head and snap out then took his key and went out of the room ,tae already left


Yes today is the day ,Y/n's marraige with hyung .. i am pretty happy . i didn't thought this would happen this quickly . after tae came back from his prescious honey moon , the next day everyone meet up and throw a party and at the end they declair the marraige ...it was too early ..no no..maybe i am thinking too much , this is the perfect time..she need a supporter like him in her life . i am sure hyung will never disappoint her ...

Now i am heading towards the venue .. i am excited ,yes sure i am ..

As i step outside after parking my car i saw the other business cars..yes this is a VVIP's wedding afterwards this is Park's Family's first marraige so this must be so grant ..but as i can see simple decorations ..full with white flowers ..i smiled to everyone and head towards the wedding area

As i walk towards there ..wait what do you think ..this is not that grant like you think, i park my car a mile ago and walking ..as the wedding is outdoor ,in beach .. This was jimin's and y/n's idea .. as we discuss about venue she told that she don't what a grant one as jimin also had the same opinion so we end being plan like this..But for mr park he want his son's wedding so grant so for his dad ,there is a night party also in a very grant way ..

there is only few business guest .. only few who are more close .. as i bowed to them and went towards jimin ,already standing on the stage talking to tae ... i think tani is with y/n she is no where to see..

as i walked near them i smiled more and more seeing jimin in this wedding attair ..he looking like an angle ..we never thought jimin hyung will marry any other women after all those past make him to hate everything but now we are happy about him ..


"Jungkok....why took so much time ? huh???" jimin said and hit jungkook's shoulder.as tae looked him

"I just got confuse for my look" jungkook said laughing

"O common you are always handsome in any dress.. just your muscles are too big to handle new dresses.." Jimin said and laughed...

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