☆ 29_The visual !!! ☆

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"You... freaking bitch!! Now look, Raichel said it, didn't she?! She said you were involved," he shouted, throwing her to the floor. She landed on the marble floor and slid for a moment due to the force.

Rolling up his sleeves, his eyes gleamed with a menacing intensity, indicating he was ready to lash out.

"No... that's not true. Why won't you try to understand?" she retorted angrily as she struggled to rise from the floor.

"SHUT UP!!" he roared, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before fixing his gaze on her. "Are you suggesting Raichel lied to me?"

"Yes! That's the truth! I don't know why she said those lies!" Before she could finish her sentence, a hard hand struck her right cheek, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

"Don't you dare utter a word about my Raichel! You don't deserve to say her name. How dare you try to deceive me and Taeyung hyung? He trusts you, and you're just betraying everyone, you damn whore!" With each word, he knelt down to her level, delivering slaps to both her cheeks.

Her cheeks turned red, bearing the imprints of his hands. He continued to strike her before standing up and grabbing his belt to beat her.

"Don't ever think of lying to me like that again. I know how to punish you! Today will be your longest day, I swear!" he warned, his rage barely contained.

"Why won't you just listen to me?!" she screamed, but he paid her no heed.


Tae screamed inside the car, tears welling up in his eyes with a mix of regret and pain. His emotions were overwhelming, feeling as though his blood ran in reverse.

"What have I done?!" he yelled, slamming his fists on the steering wheel repeatedly.

"Wait, let me check once again," he mumbled as he opened his phone to review the visuals once more. He couldn't believe his eyes, but his heart knew the truth—that he had committed a sinful act.

The video lasted just five seconds, showing Uncle Choi stabbing Mr. Jeon five times in the same spot, all the while screaming like a maniac. The footage was a bit shaky, initially capturing Choi's backside for the first two seconds before revealing his side profile. It was unmistakably him; his face was clearly recorded before the camera fell to the floor, ending the video abruptly.

"Yes... Y/N was truly innocent from the very beginning... She told us many times... But we just... Why... Why... I'm also the one who hurt her, doing so many things...!! I regret every fucking thing I did! Fuck...!! Ahhhh!!" he screamed in frustration and overwhelming regret. He threw his phone onto the passenger seat in anger, causing it to bounce before finally settling on the seat.

"Wait!! There's no time... I have to reach there before she gets killed by him!" he exclaimed, speeding up his engine and driving towards the Lee mansion.

He stopped his car when he saw Taniya struggling with the bodyguards.

"Let me in, you bastards... Who gave you the license to touch me?! If you do that again, I'll chop you into pieces... I only need just a minute... Let me enter..." she demanded of the bodyguard who was trying to move her aside upon seeing Tae's car approaching.

"Please... Go, we can't let you in," the bodyguard responded, trying to maintain respect despite the situation.

"I can't... It's urgent..."

"What's urgent... Please don't make a scene... If Tae sir sees..." The bodyguard's words were cut off by Taniya's interruption.

"I came here to see Tae... He called me here... He said he wants to see me urgently..." she said, her actions dramatic as she jumped on her feet and pointed her index finger towards him, raising her brows. She tried to match the bodyguard's height, but even standing on her tiptoes, she couldn't reach his chest.

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