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Y/N quickly closed the door to Jungkook's room and descended the stairs, her spirit drained. As she reached the bottom, she noticed a new car pulling up to the mansion.

Upon opening the door, she found a middle-aged woman and a girl, around 16 or 17 years old, standing outside, about to ring the doorbell. Their gaze met, and the girl smiled at Y/N with innocence, to which Y/N responded with a smile. However, the woman rushed past her into the mansion without acknowledging her.

"Excuse me, miss. Can you please tell me who you are? We can't allow..." Y/N began, speaking in a low voice and bowing respectfully.

"You dare to question me?" The woman interrupted, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

The woman was dressed in an expensive outfit that accentuated her perfect figure, revealing a hint of cleavage. Y/N couldn't help but notice the heavy makeup adorning her face. She also carried an expensive Mouavad 1001 Night diamond purse on her left hand. Her appearance seemed extravagant, with dark lipstick and heavy makeup, along with high heels, contrasting with her daughter's more innocent appearance.

"No, that's not what I meant..." Y/N attempted to explain.

"Then do I need your permission to see my own son?" the woman asserted, revealing herself to be Jungkook's mother, whom he reportedly despised, much like Y/N did.

"Oh, I didn't understand at first. Please accept my apology for questioning you earlier. However, it's quite late now. You can see him tomorrow," Y/N suggested politely, realizing that allowing them to see Jungkook tonight might lead to trouble, possibly even for herself.

"Oh, you're the mistress here. I know all the stories behind that marriage, so don't pretend like you love him or live as his wife. Anyway, I've come to see him, and I will," the woman declared, arrogantly striding through the house as if she owned it, searching for Jungkook's whereabouts.

"Where is his room?" the woman demanded, her tone dominant as if she had already won the Lee mansion.

"It's upstairs," Y/N replied, shaking her head in annoyance. She silently warned herself that even if they reached Jungkook's room, it might not end well. She had already been warned.

The girl seemed visibly embarrassed by her mother's behavior, apologizing to Y/N for her mother's actions, a routine she seemed to have mastered over the years.

"I'm really sorry, unnie. My mother is always like this..." the girl said, approaching Y/N with a tone of shame, indicating that she was accustomed to apologizing to everyone after her mother's confrontations.

Y/N simply nodded and smiled.

"And I know you're Oppa's wife, right? Happy to see you. Anyway, we're tired, that's why Omma behaved so harshly. She's not usually like this. We came all the way from London and ended up at Jeon mansion without knowing Oppa lives here. That's why we came so late..."

"Oh, dear, I can understand! It's okay! This isn't a big deal for me. Just leave it," Y/N said, giving a toothful smile. Y/N really liked her humbleness.

"Okay, anyway, I am Adalia Bertin," the girl said, extending her hand for a handshake. Y/N responded with a smile, shaking hands.

"I'm Lee Y/N," Y/N said.

"How come you're Lee? You're now Jeon's," the girl said, taking her hand back and frowning but looking cute.

Y/N gave an awkward smile and tried to change the topic.

"And what's your mother's name?"

"Bertrina Bertin," she said, sensing that her Omma would be upstairs, likely searching for Jungkook's room.

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