☆ 42_ Untold Truth ☆

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"Mr. Taeyung..." Hearing a male voice, he slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them before quickly standing up upon seeing the doctor.

"What happened, doctor?"

"The patient is awake; you can go inside. She seems alright," the doctor said, prompting a smile of joy from Tae.

"Thank you, doctor," he said and walked towards the door.

"Wait... you can go now, but you have to be careful. She can't walk, so use a wheelchair. As you know, her leg is injured," the doctor advised. Tae nodded.

He slowly opened the door and looked at the small figure lying on the bed, covered in bandages. Her forehead, left hand, and left leg were all bandaged. His eyes teared up, torn between happiness at her consciousness after a month and sadness at being the reason for her state.

He approached her slowly. "Tani, come on, look at me. Don't pretend to be asleep," he said, gently caressing her forehead.

She giggled and opened her eyes, widening them upon seeing him. "Why are you crying? Oh, you look ugly. Stop that, and come on, I want to get out of here."

"Still acting like this with me?" he said, helping her into the wheelchair. She could walk with her right leg, but her left leg was injured, so they didn't want to take any risks.

"V... how many days has it been?" she asked, looking at him seriously.

"1 month and 2 days," he replied, wheeling her out of the room.

"1 MONTH?!" she exclaimed in surprise. He nodded.

"What about Y/N? Is she safe? My halmoni! I know you didn't let them know we're here," she said, looking at him. He maintained a blank expression.

"So, don't we have to tell them everything?" she asked. Tae nodded and stepped outside the hospital.


"So he wants to see me there? Fine, I'll come," she said angrily.

"Y/N, don't be like this..."

"What else should I say? He doesn't even know whom he loves. This is creepy, Jimin! I can't waste my life under him anymore. I'll be there on time," she said, hanging up and throwing her phone in frustration.

The phone bounced on the bed, and she breathed a sigh of relief, then proceeded to the bathroom. After her shower, she put on an ash-colored hoodie and white baggy pants, grabbed her purse, applied lip balm, and left her hair messy.


"Dylan, I am going."

"No, I'm coming with you. He's going too far!" 

she sighed and then sat in the passenger seat.

"Jeon Mansion, fucking Jeon Mansion," Dylan muttered as they got inside the car. 

 they entered the mansion, Y/N saw a girl fighting with a bodyguard. She frowned and looked carefully.

"Raichel... why is she here every time? Damn it, I don't care," Y/N muttered, turning to walk back and checking her phone. It was past 6:00 pm. She breathed deeply and walked towards the bodyguard.

Y/N was walking towards the main door when Raichel followed her.

"Y/N," she called out. Y/N hummed in response.

"Y/N, I'm sorry... for everything..."

"Yeah, just leave it, Raichel. That's all in the past," she said, glancing at Raichel before continuing to walk.

"Y/N..." Raichel tried again.

"Can you please tell Jungkook not to avoid me? Look, now even security is not allowing me to see him. He told them not to let me in, so can you please tell him? If you tell him, he will surely understand," Y/N gave her a glare, not in the mood.

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