☆ 24☆

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She looked up with teary, blurry eyes, and saw Jimin holding a bottle of water. She attempted to stand up but failed, and Jimin quickly moved to support her.

"Y/n, what happened?" he began, but halted midway upon noticing her wrapped in a blanket and struggling to stand. He realized she was weak and unable to support herself.

"Please, help me. I don't want to stay here," she mumbled, her tears continuing to flow as she tightened the bedsheet around her.

Jimin stared at her for a few moments, his expression filled with pity. She looked utterly exhausted. He guided her towards his room, but as they walked, she suddenly fainted, causing the grip on her bedsheet to loosen. Jimin quickly caught her and held her tightly, noticing the bedsheet slipping down, revealing her cleavage.

Feeling flustered, Jimin held onto the bedsheet tightly, making sure it was secure. However, as he did so, he noticed dried bloodstains on her earlobe , and  blood still trickling down from her legs and handprints visible on her face and neck.



"What... in the middle of the night?!" Tae opened the door and found Jimin carrying Y/n.

"Tae, I found her lying there, so I..." Jimin began to explain.

"I know. I heard the sounds too. I figured you went there because of the screaming. Aren't you?" Tae nodded knowingly.

"Yes," Jimin confirmed. 

"why you bring her here instead you can carry her to your roo-"

"No.. i- i- I want to inform the maids to clean the area in front of Jungkook's room. It's covered in blood stains. Look, blood is still flowing. Can't you see? It dripped down as I walked her here." He excused

"Okay, hand her to me, and you go take care of things," Tae suggested, holding out his hands to help holding y/n.

Jimin placed Y/N on the sofa and left the room. Tae looked at her deeply, then after a moment, he woke her by gently spraying water on her face.

"Water... water..." she mumbled.

Tae slowly helped her sit up and handed her some water, which she drank eagerly.

"Y/N, look here. Go and freshen up, Y/N," Tae urged, gently tapping her cheeks. After a few minutes, she regained consciousness.

"Here... why..." She looked around and saw Tae holding her. "...Tae, sir, can you please help me go out? Please, let me go... or you can kill me now. I didn't do anything, so why should I have to endure these punishments? Please... let me go... no, just kill me." She pleaded, her voice choked with hiccups.

Tae didn't know how to handle the situation. He had known Jungkook since childhood, and he knew that when Jungkook became angry, he could turn into a monster. Tae couldn't bear to imagine what Jungkook might have done to Y/N.

"Y/N, we can talk later. Please, wash yourself... look, you're..." He stopped himself, unsure of how to express the extent of her condition.

She looked at herself and nodded, attempting to stand up. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move. She looked at him pleadingly, her eyes searching his for help.

"Can you please... (hiccup and sniff)... can you help me reach the bathroom?" she asked. Tae looked at her with pity and helped her walk towards the bathroom. He turned on the shower and guided her to sit under it before stepping out. He returned with his shirt and a pair of small pants.

"Wear this after the shower... um... if... (he looked away)... if you need any help, you can call me," he said softly before leaving the bathroom.

She cried under the shower, examining her naked body once she removed the blanket. Her sore vagina and nipples, with dried blood sticking to them, were too painful to touch. She winced in agony as she cleaned herself.

"I lost everything... fucking everything," she muttered to herself.

Tae stood outside, feeling helpless. An hour passed, and she still hadn't come out.

"Y/n... y/n... are you alright? Hello... I can't hear you... y/n..." he called out, knocking on the door, but there was no response.

"Y/n, may I come inside?"

"Tae... sir, I finished cleaning... can you help me to come outside?" she responded.

A sigh of relief escaped him as he entered, avoiding looking at her directly. He gently held her shoulder to help her stand and escorted her out. Placing her on the bed, he sat on the nearby chair.

"Actually, y/n... I'm sorry. I heard your screams from here, and I came several times to check if you were okay, but I found nothing but your screams," he explained.

She nodded silently.

"jimin sir bring me here right?" he nodded

After a moment of silence, Tae went outside and  brought a bottle of water and a bowl of ramen. 

"Have this " he said 

Her eyes widen,

"Why... is this for me?" she asked, puzzled. He placed it in front of her and nodded.

"But... what if Jungkook..."

"No one will know. You can eat it. It's been months since you've eaten something in quantity. You can have all of it," Tae reassured her.

"After torturing me, a small gesture of relief... Are you guys planning something big with me?" she asked tearfully. Tae looked down, unable to meet her gaze.

"Just eat," he said softly.

She began eating the ramen. Normally, she wasn't not a lover of rameen , but now she realized that it was the most delicious food in the world.

"Actually, Y/N, I have something to ask you. I thought of asking you tomorrow, but since you're here now..." Tae started, seeking her approval.

She looked at him, indicating that he could continue.

"Um... that's... Did you tell Raichel about him?" Tae asked, his curiosity evident.

She dropped her chopsticks and looked at him.

"If I told you that I'm not the one, would you believe me?" she asked, a pained smile on her face. "No... I know you wouldn't."

"I will..." Tae replied sincerely.


To be continued!!!

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