☆ 18 ☆

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Jungkook and Tae were sitting in the meeting room when Alex entered and whispered something in Jungkook's ear.

"What?!" Jungkook exclaimed in anger. Tae glanced at him and gestured for him to calm down.

They both stormed out of the room, seething with anger, and called for Jimin.

"Yes, Jungkook... she escaped!"

"What?!" Jungkook shouted in disbelief. "She will regret doing this..."


They reached the mansion, and Jungkook dragged her inside, gripping her hair tightly.

"You bitch! You will get the punishment!" he declared as they entered the hall.

Y/n's eyes widened as she saw the mess in the hall. Natasha lay on the floor, covered in blood, lifeless. Jungkook had shot her. She was dead?

"Did you shoot her?!" she asked, her eyes wide with shock.

"Just to show you that I didn't clean up after that... here, you see," he barked at the bodyguards to drag her body away and bury her. They quickly complied, cleaning up the mess.

Y/n heart trembled with fear.

"Don't worry, bitch!!! . I won't kill you so easily without giving you extreme pain. It's time for your punishment!" Jungkook threw her to the floor and began unbuckling his belt, ready to beat her.

She screamed in agony as Jungkook's blows rained down on her. His face twisted into a cruel smile as he watched her suffer. he beat her so hard .

She grew tired, unable to bear the pain any longer. She counted the blows.

"48... 57... 63..."

She couldn't count anymore; she was exhausted. She started to lose consciousness. Suddenly, the beating stopped. Someone threw cold water over her, jolting her back to awareness.

"Ahhhh!" The water intensified the pain from her bruises. She thought it was over, but then Tae threw cold water on her again.

"Who said you could pass out? You're not allowed to lose consciousness without enduring your punishment. If you do, the punishment will only get worse!" Tae scolded as he sat on the couch. Jimin sat beside him. Y/n realized this might be her last day alive.

Jungkook sat heavily on the couch, still breathing heavily, gesturing to some of the bodyguards who arranged something. Y/n couldn't see what they were doing as she lay on the floor.

"Stand up," Jungkook commanded with his dominant voice.

She struggled to stand, her feet numb from the cold.

"I said stand up! Can't you hear me?! Do you need more beating?!" he roared in anger.

She managed to stand somehow.

"Stand there in the cold water until morning. You're not allowed to step out. That's your punishment," Jungkook ordered before heading upstairs.

Jimin slowly standup and walk near her holding her softly and looked her.

"I told you not to try to escape from here, didn't I? Now, endure your punishment," He said as he placed Y/n in the cold water, then left without looking she is alright or not . Tae glanced at her blankly before going upstairs.

She tried her best to remain standing but couldn't fully withstand the freezing water. Hours passed, and she couldn't bear it any longer.

 She fainted, collapsing into the cold water. When she woke up, she forced herself to stand again, knowing she couldn't escape the punishment. Despite her tears, she held onto the hope that Dylan would uncover the truth and she'd eventually be free one day. 

She is not regretting her this decision ,these pain is worth when she is able to escape from here proving her innocents, But a nagging doubt lingered – would she even survive?


They came downstairs to find Y/N lying on the floor, shivering as if asleep.

"Who told her to sleep?" Jungkook said angrily.

Jimin rushed to Y/N and shook her awake. "She's burning with fever," he informed Jungkook.

"Ugh! This bitch! I don't care. Leave her," Jungkook dismissed, grabbing Jimin to go eat breakfast.

"Don't give her breakfast or dinner. She'll get nothing to eat today, only water, since she has a fever," he instructed the maid.

After washing his hands, Jungkook returned with a glass of cold water and splashed it on Y/N's face, causing her to open her eyes, still shivering.

"Get up and do your work. Make sure everything is neat, okay?" he ordered.

"I'm not feeling well," she muttered weakly.

He turned and bent down to her level.

 "Do you think I care? I don't give a damn! Do your work. Remember, I can see your every action just by looking... why should I tell you? Stand up and do your work!" he shouted before leaving with Jimin.

"Stand up, I say!" Y/N struggled to her feet but lost her balance and fell toward Jungkook.

"This bitch!" he exclaimed, moving away so she fell to the floor. "Still trying to seduce me!" he chuckled, approaching her. 

"If you're trying too much, I can't resist myself. Remember, I'm not that easy to handle. See you tonight," he said, leaving her crying and in pain.

The maid looked at her with sadness as Y/N managed to stand and treat herself with medicine n her maids room  before continuing her work.


That night, as they all sat down to eat, Jungkook called Y/N over.

"How's your fever?" he asked, placing his hand on her forehead.

Y/n flinch and she is confused ,why he is acting nice towards her ?

"It's gone," he declared before suddenly throwing hot water on her, causing her to scream in agony as she ran to the bathroom and stand under the shower.

"Why? Why is this happening to me? I'm trying my best to survive, just to stay alive. Why, God? Are you leaving me aside too? What wrong did I do?" she questioned tearfully.

Wearing a hoodie that protected her body from severe burns, Y/N changed her clothes and returned after an hour.

"Oh, sweetie, may I devour you tonight?" Jungkook's familiar voice greeted her as she saw him holding another girl, his hand wrapped around her waist.

"Now, let's go to my room and get ready to scream under me," he said to the girl, ignoring Y/N as he headed to his room.

"He's the dirtiest guy I've ever seen. I hate you with my whole heart. You're cheating on your girlfriend too," she muttered before leaving for the kitchen to get some rest.


She woke up and went about her usual tasks. Suddenly, someone pulled her into a room, and she heard the door close behind her.

Looking around, she realized it was Jungkook's room—the one that always filled her with fear because of its all-black decor, including the black curtains. A strong hand grabbed her and pressed her against the wall.

"Are you here to do your work, or are you trying to seduce me like before?" he demanded, tightening his grip on her.

There was only inches between their faces.

"N-no... I'm not..." she stuttered, fear evident in her voice as she glanced around nervously.

"Um... You saw me yesterday with that girl... Um... it was quite a nice night," he whispered near her ear, his breath sending shivers down her spine. what if he was going to do bad things with her thinking about that her eyes began to wet 

She never though Living a life without nothing would be this disgusting !!!

"Don't think that your punishment is over," he said with a smirk.


To be continued!!!

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