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"I overheard Sir talking to someone on the phone about... about whether they buried Mr. Lee's body... That's why I came here..."

"NOOOO!!!!" The world stopped in front of me. Now, I'm completely shattered. I can't help but wonder, was it not an accident? Was it... murder?

"Uncle, this can't be happening..."

"But this is the truth... and I don't know where they buried your Appa..."

"STOPPP!!!! NOW... Right now, I want to see your bastard boss... that greedy man... I want my Appa back... my family back!"

As I said that, I ran towards my home, but the bodyguards were too strong. They didn't let me go. I felt my heart breaking into pieces. Now, I can't help but think... that wasn't an accident... it was planned.

I want to see Choi, but I can't. And I think Uncle Jeon can help me. Without hesitating for a second, I called him, but he didn't pick up. I remembered today is Saturday, so he must be at his mansion. Without wasting a single second, I headed there.

 Without wasting a single second, I headed there

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(jeon mansion)

I arrived there, noticing there were no bodyguards, so I went straight inside. I was somewhat familiar with his mansion because I had been here with my Appa once or twice before. The atmosphere was eerily silent, and a feeling of unease crept over me. it feels suspecious.

As I approached his room, I noticed the door was slightly ajar. I knocked softly, but there was no response, so I pushed the door open.

My eyes widened in horror as I took in the scene before me. Uncle Jeon lay on the floor, covered in blood, a knife lodged in his abdomen. Panic surged through me, and tears welled up uncontrollably. 

I rushed to his side, calling out his name, but he remained unresponsive. It felt like an eternity had passed as I desperately shook him, pleading for him to wake up. Then, my gaze fell upon the knife, and with trembling hands, I pulled it out.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed in the room, and I looked up to see several people staring at me, their eyes wide with shock and suspicion. I realized they had witnessed me removing the knife and assumed the worst.

 "I-I didn't do it... No... I'm not the one..." I stammered, but before I could finish, they all rushed towards me, some even pointing guns in my direction.

In a panic, I dropped the knife and stumbled backward, my heart pounding in my chest. Without hesitation, I leaped out of the nearest window, feeling a sharp pain as I landed and left a deep gash on my hand. Ignoring the injury, I fled from the scene, my mind reeling with confusion and fear.

 Why had this happened? Why was Uncle Jeon dead, and why did it happen on my watch? Guilt consumed me as I realized I hadn't taken him to the hospital. Why was everything falling apart? First, my family, then my Appa, and now Uncle Jeon, my only beacon of light. Why was fate so cruel to me?


Y/N ran as fast as she could, seeking refuge at Taniya's home. She poured out the whole story to her friend, who urged her to stay put and rest, assuring her that everything would be okay. Taniya provided her with fresh clothes, and Y/N changed before collapsing onto the bed.


That night, Y/N was trying her best to fall asleep, hoping to avoid the dirty dreams that awaited her. She couldn't bear to imagine the aftermath... Jeon was a prominent figure in society, holding a high position as the business king. Many people loved him, and Y/N knew that no one could hate him. Now that he was dead, whoever killed him would be blamed, and Y/N feared it would be her. She desperately prayed that Uncle Jeon would be safe.

On the other side, at the airport...

Jungkook was returning from the States after finally succumbing to his dad's pleading. It was a surprise meeting, but for Mr. Jeon, no one would land in Korea without his knowledge. He arranged for bodyguards to pick him up.

 He arranged for bodyguards to pick him up

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The bodyguards are cleaning the space. The person walking towards the main entrance to enter the car is accompanied by a handsome man. They all know who they are.

The car door swung open, and he glared at the man who dared to open it for him

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The car door swung open, and he glared at the man who dared to open it for him.

"Can't you see I'm not going to sit here? Give me the key; I'm going to drive."

"You didn't hear what Jungkook said. Give him the key."

"But Taeyung, sir... the boss told me to dri..."

"How dare you, rascal! Who are you to stop me?" Jungkook's voice was laced with anger, sending shivers down the spines of everyone around, who all averted their gaze.

He settled into the driver's seat, with Taeyung beside him in the passenger seat.

"What about Raichel? Aren't you going to surprise Uncle by showing her?" Taeyung inquired.

"She's already landed, and she'll be here when I inform her to show up at the right time," he replied.

As they chatted, driving along with full happiness, they were escorted by several cars in front and behind, completely unaware of the dreadful moment awaiting them.

Upon reaching home, they were met with bodyguards leaping through Mr. Jeon's room window. Panic gripped them as they ran into the mansion.

"Uncle..." Taeyung's voice trembled, tears forming in his eyes.

"APAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Jungkook's shout echoed through the mansion as he beheld the blood-covered body lying on the floor.


To be continued!!!

𝗧𝗛𝗘  𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗗  𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗘 |JK| |ff|Where stories live. Discover now