☆ 45_Date!? ☆

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Y/N's eyes widened in shock, 'yes i know this is the thing he is preparing to tell..' she thought 

 The memories of her traumatic past flooding back. After a moment of silence, she finally spoke, 'yes i have to tell him about me .. '

 her voice trembling, "Jimin, I appreciate your honesty. but-but  i have something to tell you ...that  I was keeping this as a secret but now i am telling you this !!.. as i  left here four years ago to escape the demons of my past. I lost my family, witnessed unspeakable things ,you know every thing happened  in one go , in a blink of eye. and my mind and heart went numb. still i don't know how i manage to stay like unbothered but it affected me in another way ." she looked him..

Jimin looked her with his curious gaze . she gulped 

"I.. I've been consulting a doctor to find stability, to face the fear that still lingers, especially when it comes to Jungkook.i- i still fear him..i still have fear in him!" 

Jimin listened attentively, his heart aching for her pain. She continued, 

"I returned here for your birthday, as you invited everyone. But the truth is, I'm still haunted by panic attacks and dreadful memories. I need time, Jimin, to heal and confront the ghosts that still linger within me. I hope you understand." Jimin, stunned by the revelation

He didn't know about any of this... 

"Y/n .. are..are you okay now ?" he asked slowly that showing his  care 

"Yeah..yes i am..as you know jimin i can maybe forgive him in reality but still i can see every each thing he did to me  as nightmairs . you know how i struggled. how can i just forget all those ." she sigh

" leave it .jimin i will think about it, think about your proposal !" she said and smiled

"Ow y/n ..it..it's ok.. common let's  go..! let's find home before getting too dark "

The drive was quite that jimin still feel the embrassment ,not that he got rejected , he have a hope but the thing is about her mental problems that she is going through 'is she is really ok' he think on himself while driving.

'i have to divert her mind' he thought

"Hm y/n did you visit your parent's grave did you ?"

"I was planning to go there but as i said i came to the party straight after we arrive the airport.so i think i better go tomorrow " she said and smiled looking him

jimin suddenly went to a quick thought ...clear his throat

"Um y/n..so i will come to you tomorrow and pick you up ,ow um..what  about that ?" he asked and wait for a perfect good reply 

She paused for some second and nodded with a warm smile

"yes sure..Why not !"

"Morning 11:30?" 

She nodded as a reply 

Jimin smiled with happiness his face showing the joy he holding . the car reached in front of dylan's apartment y/n open the door and went out then looked him who was looking her 

"Bye jimin see you tomorrow " she said with a smile .she was about to turn

"Y/n.." he called when y/n turn back

"Y/n um i know you can't accept jungkook but you know i am his hyung so i have too make sure of his life so .."

"SO?" she frowned 

"So..can we arrange him with another girl ..with raichel? i mean we all know they love each other from their bottom of heart . so can we?"

"Sure jimin we can talk about that .. with tae ..maybe another day .."

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