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I opened my eyes to find my hands tied with rope, lying on a white marble floor. Three men sat on the couch, indulging in drinks, cigarettes, and laughter.

"Wait, where am I?" I whispered to myself.

Then it all came rushing back—every terrifying detail. Tears welled up in my eyes. This was him, the only son of Uncle Jeon. How could I prove my innocence to him? My thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"Hey, look, that dirty bitch opened her eyes."

Their gazes bore into me, and I averted my eyes, staring at the floor to hide my tears.

"Do you remember anything about last night?" the short guy asked. I nodded, fear gripping my heart.

"Come here," Jungkook commanded.

My body trembled with fear and hunger as I stood up and walked towards the couch thinking how to make him beleive my innocents .

"Show me your hands," he ordered.

Confused, I slowly revealed my hands, while the other two watched Jungkook intently.


"Yes, you slapped me with your right hand, didn't you?" Jungkook smirked. Jimin and Tae exchanged looks, their expressions twisted with malice.

Jungkook grabbed her hand roughly and pressed the burning cigarette into her soft palm. she screamed in agony as tears streamed down her cheeks. He relished in her pain.

" stop," she said with a breaking voice, and he withdrew the cigarette.

"Now, do you still want to slap me? You're hurt, right? You're not going to slap me, huh?" he taunted.

she shook her head grinting her teeth , tears blurring  her vision, and she stared her reddened palm. Jungkook smiled in triumph.

"Okay, now answer me. Why did you kill my father?" he demanded, rising from the couch.

"I... I didn't... kill..." she stuttered, before Jungkook hurled a beer bottle to the ground, shattering it. she flinched, gripping her skirt tightly, her eyes shut tight as tears continued to fall not knowing how to explain her innocence.

"I asked you, why did you kill my father?" Jungkook's voice thundered like a mad lion, his anger evident in his red eyes and bulging veins. 

"I... I am not a murderer..." she managed to say.

"Stop your nonsense! You're lying!" he roared, pulling out his gun. her heart raced in terror .

".. I'm telling the truth..."

"SHUT UP!" he bellowed, advancing towards Y/N with rage. Tae and Jimin intervened, blocking him.

"Jungkook, you can't kill her just like that. You've waited this long to confront her. Control yourself," Jimin urged.

"Yes, Jungkook, we'll question her. Just sit down. Are you going to kill her that easily? I know you're angry, but control yourself. We'll handle her. She's about to learn who we are ," Tae added with fury, making Jungkook sit back on the couch. He placed his gun on the table and approached near Y/N , followed by Jimin.


Helpless, I stood there, feeling overwhelmed by fear and despair. How could I possibly explain myself to them? Why was all this happening in my life? I was certain these monsters would end my life, but something told me the worst was yet to come.


To be continued!!!

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