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"I'm sorry, we couldn't save your father... he's already gone. He was stabbed repeatedly in the same spot, three times or more..."

"NOOOOO!!!" Jungkook's scream tore through the air.

Taeyung rushed to him, wrapping him in a tight embrace as they both broke down in tears.

"Who is this... girl? What's her connection to my father? Where were you all when this happened?!" Jungkook's voice shook with fury as he directed his questions at the main bodyguard, Alex, who had shielded Y/N with an umbrella on the night Mr. Jeon was rushed to the hospital.

"Master Jungkook... her name is Y/N, and I'll explain everything. But first, we are deeply sorry for what happened... we received information that there was a threat against you, and we—"

"Who gave that false information?!"

"It... it was a girl."

"That... that scheming witch! She planned this... she planned it all!" Jungkook's fists clenched, his eyes burning with rage.

"Don't you know a threat is nothing to us ,we are more capable for saving us without any loser's like you ..? why didn't you take him to hospital???" Taeyung demanded, his voice edged with frustration.

"We were pursuing the girl who—"

"Shut up! Is that girl more important than my father?!" Jungkook grabbed a gun, but Taeyung intervened, urging him to think clearly, to gather information about Y/N first since he was the one who shadowed Mr. Jeon everywhere.

"I want every detail about that girl... how dare she... she's going to see the monster in me," Jungkook vowed through gritted teeth.

They stood there, Jungkook suppressing his tears, his only family now lifeless before him. He screamed inwardly, but his exterior remained stoic.

Raichel arrived, trying to console Jungkook. He clung to her, tears streaming down his face, while she sobbed silently, witnessing his raw anguish for the first time in their two-year relationship. Taeyung took charge of the funeral arrangements.


"Y/N, don't blame yourself..."

"Stop it, Tani. I've heard this too many times. Now, even he's gone... My last light. Who knows what happened to Uncle Bong..." Y/n's eyes welled with tears.

"Tani, I'm starting to think Uncle Choi is behind all this... But why? He's killing everyone I love, my family, my appa, and now, look at Uncle Jeon... I can't take it. Yes, I'm sure I'll be arrested for killing him. And when I'm in jail, there won't be anyone to stand up against him..."

"Now, the funeral's happening, right? I'm going to see him. I need to apologize. This happened because of me. If I hadn't asked him for help, Choi would never have attacked Uncle Jeon..."

"No, no, y/n, you can't..."

"Why can't I?"

"Because I forgot to tell you something... No, I intentionally didn't tell you about him..."

"About who?"

"Jungkook... Mr. Jeon's only son. He arrived from the States that night and saw his father's lifeless body... I discovered that while pacing around his mansion that night..."

"And about him... he's the Mafia King. He holds all the power... he's ruthless, Y/N. Everyone fears him... he could turn you to ash with a single glance. Be careful, please, Y/N... don't even think about going there."

Y/N was stunned by this revelation, regretting her decision to involve Mr. Jeon and even her own existence.


Y/N opened her eyes, her vision blurry as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. 

She found herself tied up on a white marble floor, her confusion mounting. Three shadows loomed over her, seated on a nearby couch, their laughter and clinking glasses echoing in the room.

"Hey, look, that dirty bitch opened her eyes," one of them sneered.


To be continued!!!

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