☆ 16 ☆

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Y/N knocked on the door.

"Coming," she heard his deep voice, causing her heart to quicken. As she opened the door, she stood near the entrance.

Tae was seated on the bed, engrossed in his phone. Y/N took in the room's stark contrast to Jimin's and Jungkook's. Everything was white—curtains, bedsheets, pillows, tables, even the couch. Portraits of Tae adorned the walls, some featuring him alone, others with Jungkook, and one with Uncle Jeon.

She watched him sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone, admiring his beauty. He wore a silky dark blue pajama, looking extremely handsome.

"Once again, I catch you. Do you enjoy admiring my beauty?" Tae stood up, walking toward Y/N, and locked the door. Y/N moved aside to avoid getting closer to him, but he advanced. She moved backward, her eyes fixed on the floor.

"You're continuously admiring my beauty... but unfortunately, I catch you every time," he said, bending down to Y/N's level.

"You... you misunderstood... I... I never......" she stammered, her words faltering as Tae moved closer. She could feel his hot breath on her collarbone as he reached for a biscuit on the shelf, where Y/N was blocking his way. He took a biscuit and stepped aside, causing Y/N to release the breath she had been holding.

"Here, take your dinner. You didn't ask about dinner, so I called you here to give it to you," he said, handing Y/N the biscuits.

"The dinner you cooked was not that bad... but good," he commented, walking toward the couch.

"Thank you," she replied softly, turning to leave the room.

"Did I tell you to leave? Eat that biscuit. You're sleeping here tonight," Tae said, checking something on the table.

"What?! I'm sleeping here?"

"I didn't say I was going to rape you, did I? Eat that. I called you here to discuss something important. After that, if I allow it, then you can go. Hurry up, eat."

Y/N nodded and began eating the biscuit, feeling her hunger rise as usual. She had so many questions swirling in her mind. What did Tae want to discuss with her? Why was he asking her personally, without the others present?

" I've finished eating. May I know what you wanted to ask me?" Y/N inquired, approaching Tae, who was seated on a chair next to a table cluttered with files, documents, and a laptop.

"You have to reply to me honestly," Tae said, standing up, his hands in his pockets.

"I will."

"Where is that file... the red one?"

"Which red file? What?"

"The file you stole from Uncle's room that night before stabbing him... The red one," Tae asked, his tone harsh, his hands still in his pockets.

"I'm not sure what you're asking me... I don't know about any file," Y/N was so confused!!!

"Y/N, don't push me. I asked you politely and have been decent with you... If Jungkook finds out you stole that, I'm sure he won't spare you. The consequences could be unpredictable," he said irritably.

"I haven't told anyone about the missing file... if he finds out..." he sigh in frustration

"What's on that file... I really don't know," Y/N insisted.

"Don't play innocent with me! Do you think I'm stupid?! I'm not stupid! I know you know what's inside that file! That one file could—" he stopped abruptly, taking a deep breath.

"Y/N, please, tell me... then I won't tell anyone. Don't make me lose my temper," he said through gritted teeth.

"Sir... I'm telling the truth..." Y/N began.

"GET OUT!" he shouted, throwing some files in Y/N's direction.

"GET OUT, I said! Leave before I shoot you!" Tae continued, his anger palpable.

Y/N tried to open the door, but it was locked. She looked back at Tae, who turned his back to her and did something with his hand. She heard the door unlock and quickly fled to the kitchen.

She sat on the floor, tears welled up her eyes!

"Why does everyone suspect me... even when I haven't done anything wrong... Appa, where are you? I miss you... I can't live here... I have to get out and find the truth behind every murder... my family's accident... Appa's murder and Uncle's too..."

"I have to find the truth... I'll escape from here. I have to take the risk to prove my innocence... Now I understand why the police didn't arrest me. It was all Jungkook's plan to take me with him and make me suffer."

With those thoughts swirling in her mind, she fell asleep.


Y/N finished her morning chores and served food for everyone. Jimin gave her biscuits, which she ate.

"Y/N!" Jungkook's voice called from the hall, and she hurried to join him.

"This is Y/N. I've told you the rules. Obey them and look after her. Don't try to help her; you can't imagine the consequences. You know me... yk Jeon Jungkook!" he warned another girl standing nearby, dressed in a short skirt and a crop top that revealed most of her skin. She appeared to be in her early twenties.

"Hey... I'm Jimin. What's your name?" Jimin asked, extending his hand to her. The girl seemed mesmerized by his beauty.

"Um... I'm Natasha Kamproch. I'm not Korean, but I was born here. I studied in the States, but now I've been kicked out of my home, so I need a decent job. That's why I'm here," she explained in one breath. Y/N realized Natasha was captivated by Jimin's charm.

Y/N thought that perhaps she could use Natasha to escape from there.

"Make lunch for Jimin. He'll be here. We'll come back at night," Jungkook instructed before leaving with Tae.

"So, Jimin is here... How can I leave without getting caught?" Y/N pondered.

She observed Natasha's behavior throughout the morning. Natasha always seemed to find opportunities to get closer to Jimin, completely ignoring Y/N. Now Y/N understood why Jimin claimed all the girls were after him.

"Y/N, Jimin is calling me. I'll be back in a bit. Finish your work, okay?" Natasha said before heading upstairs. Y/N had already completed her chores, hoping to find a way to escape.

Ten minutes later, Y/N cautiously made her way to Jimin's room, pretending to clean. She heard sounds of skin slapping and moaning, confirming her suspicions.

Quickly, she ran outside and saw numerous bodyguards. She had to find another way out. Remembering the underground route she had taken with her father, she sprinted to the kitchen, grabbed a glass, and went underground. She threw the glass in another direction and let out a fake scream.

All the bodyguards rushed to the noise, and Y/N seized the opportunity to climb the wall and escape from the mansion. She ran as fast as she could, fueled by determination and adrenaline.


Jungkook : WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........she will regret doing this...


To be continued!!!

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