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Y/N's heart pounded as if it were about to explode inside her, but she maintained a facade of fearlessness.

As he slowly climbed onto the bed, Y/N began moving backward. "Wait! Where did you get this dress?" he asked, grabbing her hand to halt her movement, his eyes scanning her from toe to face.

"You know something! Um... you look super hot tonight... Aish! You're tempting me," he said, adjusting his face between her collarbone and planting a wet kiss. Y/N shivered with fear, her throat dry as she gulped.

She pushed him with all her force, making him bounce on the bed, and she stood up, adjusting her short dress and crossing her arms over her chest. "Why are you here? This is the maid's room. You can go to your own room," she demanded.

"But how can I sleep without my wife?" he retorted with a pout, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, facing Y/N.

She scoffed in disgust. "And since when do you consider me your wife? We never shared a bed all these months , even after our dreadful marriage. At what point are you saying you'll sleep without me?"

Jungkook's face turned angry, but he released a smile. "Where did you gain the guts to speak against me, my little devil wifey?" he sneered, his eyes darkening.

"From now on, you're going to share the room with me. After all, we're a married couple, sweetheart. What if your husband gets needy at midnight, like now?" he said, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

Without hesitation, he grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap. "What a perfect ass you have, perfectly fitting against my member," he remarked, pinning her fallen hair back and blowing his breath on her neck.

"Let me go, Jungkook... leave me," she said angrily, trying to get up, but he pushed her closer to him, her body feeling his growing member between her buttocks.

"My little wife is protesting against me, huh? Why didn't you ask where I was these past five days? Do you know how much I missed your sweet smell?" he whispered huskily, sending shivers down her spine as he caressed her body gently.

He slid his hands under her dress, caressing her thighs and leaving wet kisses on her neck. For a moment, she lost herself in his touch, feeling something new.

Their moment was interrupted by Jungkook's ringing phone. He stopped cursing when he saw the caller ID.

In that brief pause, Y/N quickly stood up. Jungkook left the room to take the call, adjusting himself as he spoke. He returned seconds later, grabbing her hand and pulling her along.

"Jungkook, where are you taking me? Let go of my hand; it hurts," she protested.

"And you know that hurting you is not my concern," he replied, leading her downstairs with a smirk on his face.

"Here... you're going to hurt even more, my wife. Come and see... I've brought someone here," he said, standing in front of the basement door. The bodyguard opened the door, and without hesitation, Jungkook dragged her inside. Once they were in, he gestured for the bodyguards to leave, and they obeyed.

"Jungkook, why..." Y/N started, but her voice trailed off as she noticed a man kneeling, his hands and legs tied behind him to an iron pillar. His head hung low, and his clothes were torn and soaked in blood.

As the man slowly lifted his head upon hearing her voice, Y/N's eyes widened with recognition, and tears filled her eyes.

"It took three fucking days to find him... but now, look, he's here," Jungkook said, cleaning a knife with his fingers, a sinister smile on his lips.

"My... Y/N... dear..."

The man's voice trembled as he looked at her, tears filling his eyes. Despite the blood staining his face, he managed a smile. His nose and mouth were bleeding, the dried blood visible, and even his teeth were stained red.

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