☆ 43_The last meet ☆

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"Y/n, slowly," Dylan said as he helped Y/n to assist Tani out of the car.

"Wait, I'll take out the wheelchair," Dylan added, walking towards the back door of the car.

That's when Y/n noticed Jimin standing there. He seemed lost in thought. Y/n followed his gaze.

"Tae..." she said, and Tani looked in the direction. Tae was lying in Halmoni's lap, crying while she comforted him.

Tani ran towards Tae, calling out to him. She was running with her one leg. Y/n ran behind her. Before Tani could reach Tae, she slipped, almost falling, but Jimin caught her.

She thanked Jimin.

"Tani," Jimin called out softly, so she looked at him expectantly.

"Tae is so weak and going through his worst time... I'm saying that only you can comfort him, so... here, I am trusting you," he said. Tani nodded.

Tani ran to Tae, sat near him, and patted him while saying something.

"Tani, your wheelchair... your leg..." Y/n screamed, but Tani shot her a glare, silencing her. Tae stood up, helped Tani, and carried her inside.

"So, Jimin..." Y/n said as Jimin walked towards her.

"Um..I'm going with Dylan to his apartment," she said.

"Oh... then I'm going to Jungkook... he must be in so much pain... I want to comfort him... okay, Y/n, I'm leaving," he said, and left the next second. Y/n and Dylan got into their car.

Jimin reached Jeon mansion, seeing maids standing outside, he went near them.

"Why are you standing here?"

"Sir told us to leave the mansion, that's why..." the main maid said.

"Then what about Raichel, and is Jungkook okay?"

"Sir seems so angry. He shouted at us and Raichel madam too, so she went inside the maid's room and locked the door. Then sir told us to leave the mansion, and he closed the door."

Jimin rubbed his forehead. A drop of rainwater touched the floor.

He took his phone and called someone.

"Here, you all can go home. I arranged a driver; he will get here soon. I think it's going to rain," he said. The maids nodded.

An hour passed. He was sitting in front of Jeon mansion. The rain was strong with wind and lightning. His clothes were wet, his silk shirt sticking to his skin, feeling cold. His hair was also wet. The pressure of the rain made the raindrops penetrate him as he sat on the floor.

"Shit... I should have told the driver to bring back my car... or I should have at least taken out my jacket... it's freezing cold," he muttered while rubbing his palms.

It was getting dark. He called Jungkook so many times, but he didn't pick up. He knocked on the door, rang the bell, but no one responded. So, there was no other option than to sit there.

Just then, Jimin's phone rang.

"Y/n," he frowned and picked up the call.

"Hello, Jimin... everything okay there?"

"Um... yeah... did you reach? Have you had dinner?"

"No, we are about to cook dinner... I slept for some minutes... Jimin, you're still at Jeon mansion... Did you comfort him?"

Jimin let out a deep breath.

"Actually, Y/n... I don't know about anything... He's not opening the door; I was sitting outside."

𝗧𝗛𝗘  𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗗  𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗘 |JK| |ff|Where stories live. Discover now