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Y/N looked at Jungkook with teary eyes. His smile, once comforting, now appeared sinister, instilling a deep sense of fear within her. She scrambled to rise from the floor, hoping to distance herself from him, but her efforts were thwarted by the slippery surface.

 As she attempted to steady herself, her hand slipped, and she found herself on the verge of falling back. In a desperate attempt to regain balance, she reached out to grip Jungkook's shoulder, only to pull back at the last moment, realizing the consequences of her action. With resignation, she allowed herself to fall, the sound of tearing fabric echoing in the air.

"You  tore my cloth with your bracelet ?" jungkook asked while smiling and looking on his shoulder through side eye and eye back to y/n

y/n is laying on the floor she slowly sitdown and looked jungkook and realised she tore his shirt . she is killing herself inside her why is she messing and messing things .his smiling face changed ,y/n heartbeat getting race . now she regret to make a wrong standup decision ...she is always doing wrong things and regretting it later this is too her regret

"Nothing more ....you better hand me that bracelet " he said looking y/n 

y/n nodded as no how can she , that bracelet was her mothers . the one they found from the accident spot 

"If you are not gonna hand me then ok...i already warned you !"Jungkook grabbed her hand and snapped the bracelet into pieces.

Her heart shattered along with the bracelet, but she managed to keep her composure.

"I said you to hand me those ..you didin't so ..it's your fault"

"Okay... before I explain the rules, take a look around, this place is a mess... the floor is covered in alcohol. Oh dear, please clean up this mess," Jungkook said as he stood up.

She glanced at him and scanned the surroundings, searching for a towel to clean the mess. She understood that if she didn't obey him, he could do anything to her at any time.

"What are you looking for... a towel or cloth? I think we have more than enough cloth in your dress, so just clean it up with that," he said with a smirk, while Tae and Jimin watched with excitement.

Y/N felt too cold. She had gotten wet yesterday and wore that dress all night, and now she was getting wet again. He was asking her to get even more soaked. But she didn't say anything; she was mentally broken. Slowly, she grabbed the tip of her skirt and began to join the glass pieces together and wipe the floor.

Jungkook kneeled down again and sat in front of her. She looked at him, and he smirked again.

"Looks like our maid is adorned with luxurious jewels... remove your necklace and earrings, you don't need those," he said coldly.

"No... no... I will not... this was gifted by my..." she tried to protest.

"Or do you want me to take them off for you? It's not like a bracelet; if I pull them off, your ears and neck will come along... okay, I will remove them for you," he interrupted.

"Ahhhhhhhh...!" Y/N screamed in pain, not just physical, but mental. She usually didn't wear any ornaments; she didn't like them. But these had their own significance. The necklace was a gift from her Appa, and the earrings from Halmoni. She couldn't do anything; she had to endure it all.

The necklace and earrings were thrown into the dustbin. She whimpered, looking at Jungkook pitifully. He seemed impressed by his own cruelty.

"Continue your work... did anyone tell you to stop?" Tae said.

Y/N grabbed her cloth again.

"Wait... you don't have to wipe with that," Jungkook said, grabbing her hand. She looked at him with surprise and hope, but his face grew even more sinister.

"Why don't you just roll on the floor... so it's easier for cleaning, isn't it?" he suggested.

"Yes, it's a good idea... what are you waiting for? Just roll," Jimin said excitedly.

Y/N slowly lay down and began to roll. She felt even colder and embaressed.

"I think today is too hot, Tae. Why don't we just increase the AC?" Jungkook said, looking at Y/N.

"Yes, Jungkook, I was just coming to tell you that," Tae responded, increasing the AC. The room temperature dropped, and Y/N felt exhausted, hungry, and unwell.

"You continue your work; just listen to your rules."

"You are not granted a bedroom, so each day we'll prescribe a different beautiful place for you to sleep, depending on our mood. Maybe you'll sleep in our rooms and so on.

*You are not allowed to go out.

*You must obey our every order and call us sir.

*You are not even allowed to make a phone call; your phone is in our custody.

*You are not allowed to eat anything from here... not even our leftovers. You don't deserve our leftovers, not even my dogs'.

*We will give you a biscuit for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When we don't give you one, you're supposed to eat nothing.

*Don't dare to call my Appas 'uncle'.

*Don't dare to use our things.

*You are the only maid here, so clean every inch of this house every day and be neat. I want it to be neat.

*Cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for us. We will tell you what we want. You must make it perfect. You can only take one spoon for tasting."

Hearing this, Y/N stood up.

"Okay, so you expect me to do all this on biscuits, ?"

"Oh... then do you need pizza or a burger?" Jimin asked mockingly, and Y/N could see Jungkook's face darken.

"You get biscuits for breakfast and dinner only. If you want to question me again," he raised his brows, "then?"

Y/N regretted asking.

"Oh, then you can drink water. Okay, luckily I don't restrict it. If you do anything against me or question me, I will think twice," Jungkook said, walking towards the stairs.

"Can I get something to eat now?" Y/N asked in a low voice.

The three men started laughing loudly, and Tae and Jungkook went upstairs, but Jimin stopped and stepped back when he heard Y/N's mumbling.

"These... these are monsters...  heartless monsters... I am hungry... I just need something to eat... but..."

"You want something to eat..." Jimin's voice cut through.

Y/N flinched and saw Jimin; she just nodded.

"Do you like to drink milky juice?"

Y/N waited a few seconds. She wasn't particularly fond of milk, but she was hungry, so it wasn't a big deal. She nodded.

"If you're ready to drink milky juice, then you can come with me."

Y/N nodded.

"Follow me," an evil smile formed on his face.

Little she know what was that milky juice jimin just mentioned...




To be continued...

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