☆ 12 _The True Faces ☆

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Y/N trailed behind Jimin as they ascended to the second floor of the mansion. She had never ventured beyond the first floor before. Jeon's room was on the first floor; she had only seen the underground and first-floor areas of the mansion. Uncertain of how many floors the mansion contained, she followed Jimin cautiously.

Jimin swung the door open and stepped inside. 

"What are you waiting for? Come inside," he commanded, holding the door open for her. Y/N nodded hesitantly and entered the room.

As she surveyed the room, she noticed the vibrant decorations and colorful furnishings. Paintings adorned the walls, and glass vessels sparkled in the sunlight streaming through the large windows. While the room was well-decorated and neat, Y/N couldn't muster much admiration. Having once lived a luxurious life herself, she wasn't particularly impressed by such extravagance. However, she couldn't help but notice the meticulous cleanliness.

"If you done with your thinking then can i talk...did you forget why i bring you here " jimin asked while walking towards the couch placed in there 

"I remember well ..."

"Then let's start ...its been some days i got some work on my lower part how about you to fix those" 

y/n looked confusely 

"I don't think you are too innocent and you are not my type i have so many beauties begging for me you can't even make a small boner to me ...but anyway just make a try " 

"WHATT...what the hell are you talking about "

"STRIP ME " he was sitting in that red couch like a king and ordered y/n 


"DONT YOU HEAR ME.!!! i said remove my cloths "

"Why should i remove your cloths "

"Then i should remove yours ?...you are wearing cloths..huh!!!!! i can also come inside your dress that was too big to you and wet...how about remove that first ..?"

"I'm not your puppet. I won't obey your disgusting orders. Just because I'm hungry doesn't mean you can take advantage of me," Y/N snapped, crossing her arms defensively.

"How dare you speak to me like that?" Jimin's anger flared, his face contorting with rage.

"Yes, I dare. I obey Jungkook willingly, not because I'm obligated to, but because I understand his pain. But you... you have no right to command me," Y/N asserted, her voice trembling with defiance.

"Shut up, you worthless slut! Don't you dare utter Uncle Jeon's name with your filthy mouth! You're the reason he's dead, yet here you are, acting innocent. You'll regret speaking to me like this," Jimin seethed, his fury palpable.

"I'll never comply with your demands or obey you. Don't ever ask me again," Y/N declared, her resolve unwavering.

"Fine. If that's how you want to play it, you'll face the consequences," Jimin growled, grabbing Y/N and throwing her to the floor before unleashing a barrage of kicks.

"Get up!" he barked, his voice echoing with menace as Y/N trembled in fear.

"I SAID STAND UP, YOU BITCH!!!" Y/N, trembling and in pain, quickly complied.

"You said you'd never do that. Now, see how you'll do it. I'll make you," Jimin sneered.

"Stop this " She screamed with frustration

"Why should i? are you gonna do what i am asking or may i escort you to jungkok's room ? i swear then you will be dead within minits" he threatened 

She feel so much pain mentally , she is loosing slowly her mental state is getting worser. she feel she is being a fragile girl infront of him, but here she have no option. Jungkook is so dangerous as he already 

She know if jimin escort her to jungkook ,he will sure kill her in a very bad state that will cause more pain that he is in a big hatred towards her .

"NO..no.. ... fine .. I'll obey you," Y/N said controling   her tears.

"Do you know something? Your pleading face gives me a thrill. Oh my gosh, why? And you know words can't take back... now unbuckle my pants... be a good girl and do what I'm asking you to do," Jimin commanded, his voice laced with malice.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she screamed.

"Because you deserve it. You know Jungkook arranged this room and settled me here just to torture you. How could I not take advantage of that? Tell me, dear... you're a killer, a greedy bitch who even killed your own family. You deserve this and more," Jimin spat, his eyes burning with hatred.

"You will regre—"

"NO MORE. I SAID UNBUCKLE MY PANTS!" With trembling hands, she slowly unbuckled his pants, tears streaming down her face.

"Now, do I have to explain every step to you? Oh... your pleading face... it excites me. Just touch it and feel it, dear," he leered.

"This is too much," she whimpered.

"Is it? I don't think so. Now, unzip and do what you know. If you make me wait, I'll go further through your milky body," Jimin threatened.

Hearing that, Y/N took a deep breath and removed his pants. He sat on the edge of the bed as she knelt down, trying to remove his boxer.

Jimin, still fixated on her shoulder, couldn't contain himself. He pulled her clothes down a little more, revealing her cleavage.

Suddenly, Y/N noticed his rising erection. She looked up at him, realizing the dire situation. Quickly, she removed his boxer, revealing his throbbing member, and gave it a hesitant touch. Tears streamed down her face as she reluctantly complied with his demands.

His moans filled the room as she continued, her actions fueled by frustration and anger. She regretted ever coming with Jimin, adjusting her shoulder to conceal herself.

"Ah... hmm..." he released into her hands, collapsing onto the bed with pleasure. Y/N quickly stood up and rushed to the bathroom.

"Wait, did I tell you to go?"

"I need to go to the washroom..."

He stood up and wiped himself with a tissue, neatly arranging his clothing.

"Did I tell you to wash that?"

"Huh? *sigh* may i-"


"Then... can I wipe it with a tissue?"

"Lick it... lick it with your mouth. That's your dinner for today," he smirked.



To be continued!!!


Dear readers, I haven't mentioned any mature content warnings because I prefer not to spoil the mood for anyone. Just like I get irritated when reading books that give everything away upfront, I want to keep you in suspense. 

So, be aware that this story contains a mix of everything. Enjoy the journey!


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