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He threw her onto his bed and locked the door. Y/N sat on the bed, shivering, and covered her whole body.

"Now, why are you covering yourself? A moment ago, you were the one desperately trying to seduce me. Come on, seduce me. Let me see," he said as he sat on the couch.

"I never tried to seduce you. My clothes are torn because... because..." she hesitated. If she told the truth, Jungkook would know Jimin's intentions, and he might throw her to Jimin. She thought twice before continuing, not wanting to regret anything more.

"Because... I know your intentions, trying to seduce me and kill me... You think it's easy for you... You're really dumb," he said, walking toward her and bending down to her level.

"LET ME SEE... HOW CAN YOU SEDUCE ME... YOU KNOW SOMETHING... I'M NOT EASY TO HANDLE!" he exclaimed, bending closer to Y/N.

Hearing his words, she became more scared, goosebumps covering her body. Her heart raced, and his closeness made her feel internal turmoil.

"Why... why aren't you going to seduce me? I'm here to see that. I'm getting late for the office... come on, let me see," he insisted, bending closer, causing her to lean back.

"You're misunderstood. I... I never tried to seduce you. My clothes... were torn by a glass piece..."

He stood up, looking at her with confusion.

"You're lying... You turned me on by showing your milky skin, and now look at what you're saying..."

Y/N looked shocked, unsure of what Jungkook would do next. She thought about the incident in Jimin's room, her eyes becoming teary at the memory.

"Do you think you're going to live a happy life here? Huh! I'm never going to kill you... until you beg me to. But I won't... I'll make you suffer every single day. I'll try my best to torture you in every single way. So if you're trying to seduce me, remember, you'll regret it."

With that, he turned to leave.

"Change my bedsheet and clean here. I won't repeat myself about your tasks," he said as he walked toward the door, then back to the closet.

He dragged out some of his old clothes, which he used when he was a teenager. They were old, but Jeon had kept them all in his room, along with Jungkook's baby clothes and other old items. Jungkook never restricted his dad; he always supported him in every way. So, he didn't throw away his old stuff.

"Here, take this. You're only allowed to wear these... Don't even think about me buying new clothes for you," he said, throwing the clothes toward Y/N before leaving the room.

The clothes he gave Y/N were branded but a bit old. She was happy that he gave her clothes. She had never worn someone else's used clothes. She always donated her clothes, even if she didn't wear them, she would donate them after using them once or twice. Now, look at her state... tears rolled down her cheeks.

She quickly went downstairs, took a bath in the maid's room, and wore the clothes Jungkook gave her. She placed the remaining clothes in the cupboard. She was wearing a pair of track jeans that were too big for her, but she adjusted them, and a white T-shirt that was oversized, but she adjusted it too.

Y/N had cleaned Jungkook's room thoroughly, preparing everything and cooking food for them. However, they didn't show up for lunch, so she only prepared dinner. She wasn't allowed to eat anything other than a biscuit in the morning, and she couldn't even have biscuits in the afternoon.

Y/N served food for the three men.

"I've appointed another maid just to keep an eye on Y/N," Jungkook announced, surprising the other two.

"But why?" Taehyung asked, almost choking on his food.

"We're not sure if she's sneaking food when we're not looking... I hired someone to check if she's following the rules," Jungkook explained.

"What's the maid's age?" Jimin inquired.

"You'll see tomorrow, Jimin... Just relax," Jungkook replied, chuckling along with Taehyung.

Y/N admired Jungkook's bunny smile and Taehyung's boxy smile.

"Are you admiring my beauty? I caught you... I saw you looking at me this morning," Taehyung teased.

"After cleaning, come to my room," Taehyung instructed as he stood up, finishing his dinner.

"For what?" Y/N asked timidly.

"Huh! You're getting bold enough to ask questions to my hyung?" Jungkook interjected.

"Remember, we decide where you sleep every night... don't forget that rule," Jungkook reminded her.

Y/N grint her teeth and  nodded.

"Then come to my room."

After they all finished their dinner, they went to their respective rooms.

Y/N stood in front of Taehyung's room, trembling with fear. She remembered everything that happened when she went to Jimin's room. Now, she feared what might happen in Taehyung's room.


To be continued!!!


I finished my drawing...i will show you guys...am excited to show you!!..Yaahhhhhhho!!!


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How is it..? did you guys like it?...who do you think he is...i guess you got it!


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