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"How dare you threaten me after entering my house without my permission?" she asked, her voice cracking with tension.

"I knocked and rang the bell too... and no reply. I'm sure you waited behind the door to catch me," he said with a smirk.

Her shock was evident, but she quickly masked her expression. "How did he find that out?" she wondered silently.

"You came here to kill me? Then I'm warning you, after my death, I will haunt you every day and night," she declared, her words tinged with fear, though she tried to appear composed.

They remained in the same position, locked in a tense standoff.

"No, I will not kill you this time. You didn't give me a chance to explain why I came. Y/N told me to meet you, so I came," he said, his hand caressing the gun against her throat.

Her expression shifted as she realized there must be something important for him to be here. Her mind raced with thoughts and possibilities.

"Can you please stand up? I can't bear your weight anymore," he frowned, his eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

"Stop eating so much and do some workouts. You're growing like a pig! You are double of mine!" she retorted, her voice a bit louder, her back aching from the strain.

Tae felt a twinge of embarrassment as he stood up, discreetly hiding his gun between his pants and shirt. He opened his mouth to argue but then thought better of it; time was of the essence.

She, too, stood up, ready to face whatever came next.

"Now, tell me why she sent you here," she said, crossing her arms over her chest and gesturing for him to sit on the couch.

"I came because..." Tae explained everything but didn't mention that Jungkook raped Y/N. He talked about Y/N's marriage, and Tani acted like she didn't know about it, even though Dylan had already explained everything to her.

Tani also explained everything but omitted details about Dylan because she understood that Y/N hadn't told Tae about him.

"So, Uncle Choi is the cheater here," Tae remarked.

"Yes, she sees him as a father, but he betrayed her."

"Where is he now? You said he's the murderer of Jeon, and how is this matter connected to Raichel?" Tae inquired.

"We searched for him, but found no evidence. Maybe he went to the states because now every property of Y/N is under his control. But I'm confused; he got everything from Y/N, so why did he do this? Maybe he's the one who arranged that girl? I don't know," Tani pondered.

"Do you have any proof that he killed Uncle Jeon?" Tae asked.

"Why are you asking?" She stood up, raising her eyebrow.

"I know you're not fully convinced that Y/N is innocent, so why are you here?" she asked, her voice tinged with anger.

"No, that's not what I mean. I have every single proof that Y/N committed that crime, but not a single piece of evidence of..." Tae hesitated.

"Okay, I can understand. Then, how about that room? Has it been cleaned?" she inquired.

"That room is still locked. Jungkook didn't even clean it because he wanted the last smell of his father around those walls. Only the bloodstains were removed," Tae explained.

"Okay, then how about searching it?" she suggested.

"We've all searched every inch of that room, and that's where we found evidence of Y/N's crime," Tae replied. She clenched her teeth, glaring at him.

𝗧𝗛𝗘  𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗗  𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗘 |JK| |ff|Where stories live. Discover now