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"Y/N, the manager is calling you. Today, our hotel's owner is coming, so the manager is planning something great to impress them," her coworker informed her with a respectful bow.

Y/N walked over to her manager, who gave her a string of instructions: behave herself, don't get into trouble, welcome the guests politely, and so on. She nodded dutifully and returned to her work, she could see everyone bustling around, making various arrangements.

Her attention was drawn to three cars pulling up to the hotel's front area—one white and two black. Three men emerged from the vehicles, all strikingly handsome. One had blonde hair and was the shortest of the trio. The other two, she couldn't bring herself to look at directly, feeling suffocated by their presence. She sensed their gazes fixed on her.

"Welcome, sir..." she greeted, bowing deeply to avoid making eye contact. She could feel a dark aura enveloping her, but they remained motionless.

After a few moments, Jimin whispered something, and they headed to their VIP area, yet she still felt their gaze lingering.

"Y/N... hey, Y/N... the manager is calling you, it's urgent," her coworker's voice broke through her thoughts, causing her to startle. She quickly wiped away her tears and nodded, regaining her composure.

Standing in front of the VIP door, her manager instructed her to serve the guests. Confused, as this wasn't her usual duty, she hesitated but ultimately agreed without questioning.


"May I come in, sir?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

"Yes," a man with a deep, commanding voice responded.

I couldn't bring myself to look them in the eyes, feeling a sense of unease washing over me.

 "What is your name?"

 the one with blonde hair inquired. I knew I had to look at them, but fear gripped me tightly. Their presence seemed to emanate an unsettling energy, yet I forced myself to meet his gaze...

 Their presence seemed to emanate an unsettling energy, yet I forced myself to meet his gaze

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He's handsome, and I found nothing in him to fear ,  So I replied, meeting his eyes.

I placed the bottle and glasses on the table and turned away.

"Did I tell you to leave?" A voice came out hard.

I turned to see him, looking like some kind of king, ordering me around, sitting there as if he ruled the world. I bowed to them as an apology.


She handed the glass to Jungkook after giving Jimin and Tae theirs. Jimin smirked and placed his legs on the side of Jungkook's seat, gesturing towards him.


Y/N fell into the table where the bottle was placed, causing everything to crash. The alcohol in her hand spilled onto Jungkook's luxurious Calvin Klein suit, including his shoes. Glass shards entered her body, her leg. She landed on the glittering floor, now soaked with alcohol.

"WHAT THE FUCKK!!!!!! How could you ruin my shoes and my outfit, huh?! Do you know how costly these are? Are you blind?"

Her eyes became watery. Once, she also wore these clothes. She didn't even know about cheap brands; she only had branded ones, bags, and so much more. She sold them all because her salary wasn't enough to start her new life.

"Why are you lying there? Didn't you hear what Jungkook asked? Can't you hear? Do I have to lift you?" Tae asked angrily.

She ignored her pain and checked the surroundings, realizing the mess she had created wasn't small. She quickly grabbed a towel and began to wipe Jungkook's shoes, apologizing continuously.

Jungkook boiled in anger. He kicked her with his leg, and she landed on the floor again, feeling more pain. But she ignored it and stood up, seeing the two men sitting there as if nothing had happened, as if they were watching some kind of show.

"You dare not touch my things. Do you know who I am? And you, I will throw you out of this job," he chuckled, continuing while she controlled herself.

"Sir, please don't fire me from this job," she mumbled.

"Hah! You just look in the mirror and see how pitiful you are. I don't know how you got a job here. You don't have the figure of a girl who can welcome VIPs, and look at the scars on your hand. Aishh!!! Where did they find this girl?" Jungkook asked Jimin, who looked at her blankly.

Y/N was wearing a uniform, but it wasn't hers, so it was loose. She adjusted it with pins, but they came apart when she fell, making the dress even bigger on her, and she was wet with alcohol too.

Jungkook continued his tirade while Y/N tried to remain calm. She became angry with each word of humiliation.

"Who knows about your paren..."

A hand landed on Jungkook's cheek, and the two men stood up in anger. Jungkook clenched his teeth and reached for his gun.

"Don't dare to talk about my family."

"I never did anything to affect my pride, but now I can't control myself anymore. I'll find a new job, but I can't tolerate your humiliation anymore. Who do you think you are, huh?"

"And who the hell are you?"

"Yaaah, you don't know me... I am JEON JUNGKOOK," he said with an evil smirk.

It seemed like her slap turned into a mosquito bite for him, but she could see his anger in his eyes. She became frozen upon hearing the name.

"HOW DARE YOU... HUH... YOU SLAPPED HIM?" Jimin asked, while Tae slapped Y/N on her right cheek. She felt like the whole world landed on her cheek. She landed on the floor again, feeling unbearable pain. The slap was too hard for her soft cheeks.

She heard a loud sound; the windows and every glass in the room shattered on the floor. Jungkook shot everything, his anger boiling over. He wanted to kill Y/N but didn't want it to be so easy. He released his frustration by destroying everything.

"What's going on here?" the manager asked before Jungkook shot him, and he fell to the floor.

"Don't come between me and my anger, or this will be your fate," he said, looking at the dead body.

Now, Y/N realized the real  mess she had created for herself. She had played with a lion.

But little did she know, this was all planned. She hadn't created it herself.

She gulped in fear.

"TAKE HER," Jungkook said.

"No... I'm sorry... no," she whimpered.

All these things flashed in her head.




To be continued!!!


If you ever find yourself in your darkest hour, just remember, this too shall pass, okay? So, don't worry...!

I just felt compelled to write this... Well, I'm not sure why, but sometimes words have a way of finding their way onto the page, don't they? It's like they carry some kind of hidden message, a reminder perhaps, that even in the midst of our toughest moments, there's still hope. So, take heart, hold on tight, and trust that brighter days lie ahead.


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