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It was that time of the year in Abuja when people preferred to stay indoors in the comfort of their room because of the hot scorching sun but, it was not the same for the young lady who had literally ran away from home and from the comfort of her room, which she had always preferred and wanted nothing to take her away from her room especially in this time of the year when the sun was threatening to burn your head and crack it open, but what could she do? She had no choice but to run away, her two elder brothers Hassan and Hussein were home together with their wives and kids, so leaving the house was literally the best option, because she felt uncomfortable and suffocated in their presence. It's wasn't because Hassan and Hussein weren't nice, no they were the best brothers in the whole world and their wives were also the best and they were really nice to her because they have come to realize the soft spot she has in their husbands heart being the only female and the last child.

She loved them all but she felt uncomfortable in their presence because all attention was on her and they were all trying to shower her with love being the only female child, even Hassan's five year old child was a boy named Aryan and Hussein's two year old child was also a boy named Bilal. Yes Hassan's son was older because the twins didn't get married on the same day because Hussein felt he was not ready for marriage when Hassan had wanted to get married, even though it was a childhood dream to get married on the same day and to get married to sisters. Funny right? They wanted to marry women who are sisters because they don't want to separate them from each other, because they cannot also imagine getting separated from each other or from any of their siblings especially their baby sister and the only female child in the family. But some dreams are meant to stay as a dream and never turn into reality, and so was the dream Hassan and Hussein had because they never got married at the same day and their wife's were not sisters. Having both grandchildren to be male, made maha the only female child and she was always adored by all, especially her father who had always wanted all his children to be females but he got three men, but when he had least expected it and had lost hoped, he got a beautiful baby girl with beautiful dark green eyes, and because of her eyes he decided to name her maha, which meant half moon or beautiful eyes. The Arabian oryx antelope which is identified with the word maha in some source- it has been traditionally celebrated in Arabic poetry for the beauty of it eyes; the beauty of her eyes when she was a baby had earned her the name maha! Those beautiful dark green eyes which could unnerve any soul and if one was not careful, one would be lost in those beautiful dark green eyes. Her thought now was how she was going to face her two brothers because she didn't know what to say to them and it was all because of her phobia- anthropophobia, which she got after a very bad and heart shattering childhood experience. After what happened during her childhood it has caused her a lot of phobias that she had lost count of but all she knew was that after that incident she was never able to mingle freely but only with her father and her immediate elder brother, zayn whom she feels very comfortable with and can tell almost everything but her father? she can tell him everything. With all those thoughts in her mind and her mind far away from her current environment her iPhone 14 pro max began to ring and that was what brought her back to reality. she got the best of everything and she never used her money to get the best, it was always her father's money or her mother's money or one of her brothers money, they always made sure she got the best! She slide the accept button and placed the phone on her right ear.

"Assalamu alaikum akhi."

"Ayn anti?; Where are you?" Came zayn's worried voice.

"Ana bikhayr, Ana fi gwarimpa?; I am fine, I am in gwarimpa."

"Ala taelam an akhwatik eadwa?; don't you know your brothers are back?" Zayn did not bother to ask her what she was doing in gwarimpa because he knew she had ran away from Hassan and Hussein and he was not the type to meddle in other people's affair, though he loved his younger sister a lot he never bothered her to tell him everything, but whenever she wanted to tell him something, he was always ready to listen and give a helping hand if needed. He only bothered her to tell him things when he notice that she is not okay, but it is only on few occasions that she is not okay because maha had always been a free spirited person who doesn't take things personally, but what people like about her the most is the fact that she is so down to earth, even with her parents status in Saudi Arabia and Nigeria, the only way she could come back home was if he pretended Hassan and Hussein had not told him they had met her and he decided to use that trick on her and she fell right into the trap; how naive she could be at times!

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