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          Maha walked lazily towards the lecture room, she didn't have any motivation to attend the lecture but she had to. If she didn't then her fight with Ayman would be useless, she didn't get what she came for in india and she had already fought with Ayman. It has already been a week since Maha resumed and over the week she kept on lazing around and wouldn't attend lectures. Whenever someone asked her the reason she would say she is sick. Saying she is sick isn't a complete lie though. Since the day she had landed her feet in india, she had felt a burning sensation in her heart, a lump in her throat and no matter how she tried she couldn't swallow it nor could she let it out. It had been a very painful week, it was safe to say that this year is the worst year of her life. She wanted to bury her head on Ayman's chest and bawl her eyes out, just like she had done the other week. It felt like yesterday when he had gazed into her eyes with a beautiful smile, at that time it had felt as though he was finally falling in love with her. But she wasn't so sure about it anymore, since the day he had called her when she first arrived he had never called her even once again and he never picked her calls when she tried to call him. Instead he would send her a message saying he is busy but he wouldn't say he would call later in the mesaage and he would never call. She felt so hurt that she wanted to just sit down in the hot sun and cry her eyes out, maybe it would ease her pain but would it? She had been doing that for the past one week though she had never sat down outside on the floor and cried her eyes out, so maybe if she tried she would be able to stop the pain in her heart, it felt as though her heart was on fire. If she had known this was how painful love is then she would never have been so eager to fall in love with Ayman.  
            Abruptly Maha sat down on the sandy floor and using both her palms she covered her face and sobbed silently to herself, her shoulders shook violently as she cried, her cries where filled with pain and anguish, if only Ayman saw her in this condition, then he would hate himself for making her cry. People passing by looked at her with curious eyes but no one stopped to ask her what happened. She was more than happy that people in the university were always minding their business, no one would talk to you even if you decided to sleep on the floor.
"Seriously?" Maha heard a deep familiar male voice speaking to her, Maha looked up and her eyes met with a pair of dark eyes, his skin tone just like Aminu and the rest of the Shugaba's. If one looked closely then one could see the slight resemblance between him and Aminu, he had looks that would make any girl drool at the sight of him. One thing about the Shugaba's was that they were good looking people. Ayman on the other hand looks like a fallen angel. Maha pouted at the man in front of her, using the back of her palm she cleaned her tears and then the man offered her a handkerchief which she gladly took and cleaned her eyes.
"Naf naf." Maha whined and pouted calling the man's nickname that she had given him.
"Mahi." Naf naf also whined and pouted jokingly using the nickname he had also given her, he thought the situation wasn't serious and she was just crying just like she had always done whenever she left home to come to school. However, he had underestimated the situation this time around because suddenly she started wailing even louder and curled her hands into tiny fist and started banging it on the ground crying louder, her shoulders shook violently as she cried and tears cascade down her beautiful eyes like waterfall, her cries had gotten louder thereby gaining the attention of passerby. Some where looking at Naf as though he was the one who made her cry. With the reaction he got Nafiu realized that the situation was worst than what he had expected, after much persistant coaxing Maha finally stood up and sat on a nearby bench.
"I thought we already talked about this?" Naf asked as he hoisted his eyebrows, Maha didn't say anything and she flashed him a guilty grin she knew fully well what he was talking about.
         When Maha had gotten admission into malabar university she was only sixteen at that time, she was not even able to sleep in the airplane, instead she kept on crying. The tears didn't stop there though, she cried all the way to her hostel and she cried all night. On the first day of her lectures, she had happily went to the lectures venue but on reaching there she suddenly started crying on the ground just like she had done just now, Nafiu on the other hand had come late and was in a hurry to go to class but then he saw the damsel in distress. He came to her aid and helped to comfort her and they both ended up missing the class. He told her to stop crying but she wouldn't so instead he told her to stop cry on the floor, since then he had never seen her crying outside on the ground but she would always cry inside her room.
      Suddenly Maha hit Naf with her hand bag on his stomach and he clutched his stomach and groaned in pain.
"What was that for?" Naf said looking at her while still holding his stomach, she had hit him with the chains in her hand bag and it hurt a lot. Maha realized what she did and she apologized.
"You had better warn your grumpy cousin to stop giving me the silent treatment." Maha told Nafiu glaring at him as though he is Ayman, her reactions and words were funny and even though he was still a little bit in pain, Naf burst out into laughter, Maha kept her ground and kept glaring at him. His real name is Nafiu Abubakar Shugaba, Ayman's cousin. She had known he was a part of the Shugaba's but she had never expected to actually marry a Shugaba! His friends call him Naf but since they were best friends she called him Naf naf, while he called her Mahi. When he saw Maha glaring at him, Naf managed to stop his laughter and looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. Her beauty was so eye catching and shone brightly like the sun and it was impossible for anyone not to notice her and even Naf was among those people who couldn't help but notice her beauty. It would be a lie if Naf said that he had never notice her beauty and didn't think she was beautiful, he would be the happiest and luckiest man alive if his wife actually had her face and body, she was perfection throughout. But for some reason even though he found her beautiful, he didn't love her as a wife but as his best friend and little sister. Maybe because she took drugs? Yes, Naf knew about the drugs Maha took but he didn't know the reason she took them. He had found out that secret 4 years ago when she had told him to check his book inside her bag, she had forgotten that she had kept the drugs there, when Nafiu saw the drugs he didn't talk to her about it but silently took his book. When Maha went back home she saw the drugs in her bag and she was well aware that Nafiu must have seen it since he had checked her bag. Maha had started ditching lectures but precisely she was trying to avoid Naf, it was after a week of hide and seek that Maha finally confronted Naf, she told him she had her reasons but she couldn't tell him so Naf decided to let her be. Knowing her secret had also made their friendship stronger though. He didn't like it when she took the drugs, in fact anyone who truly cared about her wouldn't want her to take the drugs. Sometimes she even took the drugs in front of him and Naf would look at her with eyes full of vexation but she wouldn't mind telling him that the drugs would never harm her and she didn't lie because nothing had ever happened to her for the past 4 years that Naf knew she took drugs. In fact if the drugs were harming her in any way then Naf would have gone out of his way to stop her because he cared about her, as a bestfriend and little sister. 
Or maybe he had never considered her as a lover because even she considered him as an elder brother, Maha looked up to him as an older brother whom she confide in and he didn't want to destroy the beautiful bond they had.
"I'm talking to you, Naf naf!" Maha grumbled. Naf managed to stop his laughter and put on a serious face when he noticed that Maha is serious. He knew Ayman well enough to know that he would never fall in love with another woman that easily, he would feel as though he is betraying Aisha. He even had to salute Maha for being able to stay with Ayman for two whole months! Even he was scared of Ayman. That man was grumpy and staying in the same place as him for just 5 minutes is enough to scare the shit out of any sane man.
"I'm sorry, Ayman can be unpredictable at times." Naf said, if not this then what could he say to her? Assure her that she just needed to push a little and Ayman would love her? He knew clearly that that possibility is 1 out of 100, so he didn't even say it.
"Ugh! I'm the cause of everything!" Maha said amd then she covered her face again.
"Its not your fault, you did the right thing." Naf thought she was regretting leaving Farouk but in reality se was actually regretting leaving Nigeria, she should have stayed when Ayman had asked her to.
"Of course it's my fault, i should have stayed back when Ayman told me to stay." Naf almost choked on his breath when Maha told him that.
'Ayman, told her to stay?! That grumpy man?!' Naf thought to himself with wide eyes. However, he managed to control himself and then ask,
"He told you to stay?" Maha turned her head and looked at him with a pouted lips before she nodded.
"Yeah, our relationship was starting to get better you know. It wasn't like the first time when we got married, i could have sworn he was also starting to fall for me. I thought he would hate me when he found out about the drugs-"
"He found out about the drugs?!" Naf asked, how could Maha be so careless and let Ayman find out about the drugs? Maha nodded at him and then continued her story,
"Yeah, but he said he didn't mind as long as i stopped, even i was willing to stop. He took the drugs away and well even i don't want it anymore, i don't want to do anything that will upset him." Maha stopped and then took a long shaky breath, she was about to reach the part where they fought and it still hurt her.
"Everything went well that night you know. In the morning i told him i wanted to come to india and he told me he could get a transer for me, i so badly wanted to stay but i had already promised umm that i will go. He told me to do whatever i want and well here i'm doing whatever i want, though indirectly i'm doing what umm wants." Naf stared at the girl in front of him wide eyed, he didn't know who to blame, her? Her mother? Or Ayman? But at the end only the following words left his lips,
"He told you to do whatever you want and you left without trying to explain?"
"I told you he was giving me a silent treatment." Maha said and pouted again, she didn't take heartbreaks well and whenever she got heartbroken she tend to behave like a child. After all she is the last born and only female child so she is used to getting what she wants.
"Do you want to know why he is behaves grumpy?" Naf  asked, none of them were to blame even though at the back of his mind he still blamed Mariam, why does it matter if she studies in Nigeria or india?  Maha's interest piqued when she heard that, she had never thought that there was a reason why Ayman was grumpy but looks like there is one. She looked at Naf to answer in the Affirmative but then she suddenly bowed her head and pouted again looking like a lost puppy.
"What?" Naf asked when he noticed her reaction.
"I want Ayman to tell me himself." Maha said, she would wait for the day Ayman finally trusted her to tell her his secret, such secrets needed trust and even she is finding it hard to tell Ayman her own secret so she would wait for him just like he has been waiting for her. That idea sounded ridiculous to Naf but he still let her be, would Ayman ever love her? He didn't know but one thing he was sure of was the crazy love Ayman had for Aisha. Last year during her death anniversary in kano he got an offer of 3 billion for a project but Ayman declined it because it was Aisha' death anniversary and the people insisted on getting it on that day, Ayman was ready to go to above and beyond for her even when she isn't here, a part of him didn't want Maha to get more hurt that she already is and he wanted to tell her to give up but he didn't have the heart to tell her that seeing how she was already madly in love with Ayman.
"So what about Farouk?" Naf said trying to cheer her up by diverting her attention. Farouk's topic wasn't  a good one but at least she wouldn't cry.
"That goat." Maha snorted and glared at the wall in front of her as though the wall is Farouk, seeing her reaction Naf couldn't help but laugh and Maha also laughed.
"Can you believe he came to my house and almost tried to kill me?"
"What?" Naf was surprised, he had seen the stunt he had pulled on social media but he didn't think he would go that far.
"Yes, he tried to choke me, if not for Zayn." Naf said nothing and looked at her with a worried expression.
"But i'm fine now." Maha said when she noticed Naf's worried expression and the man sighed in relief.
"I was already seeing black, if Zayn had not come in time then..."  Maha stopped her sentence and she made a gesture of slitting her throat with her hands and then she stick out her tongue to the side and rolled back her eyes and pretended to be dead. Naf laughed loudly at the gesture and Maha laughed along with him, the pain in her heart had subsided a little. Being with her friends and family has always been a way Maha lifted her mood.

You guys might get a double update tomorrow coz it's my fav's birthday 👉@Rahma-kangiiwa👈😘👩‍❤️‍👩.
The two chapters are ready and all i need to do is edit them, just pray i don't feel too lazy to edit two chapters

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