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             It had been two days after the budan Kai ceremony, all the bride's relatives had already gone back home leaving the bride behind in Kano. Maha had cried her eyes out on the day they were to leave but at the end she had to accept her fate. Ayman was still not back and Maha could guess that his mother is feeling guilty because she came to check on her every night and almost every time of the day. The woman was very nice and she treated her like her own daughter, she treated her in a way that even her mother, Mariam had never done. For once in her life, Maha felt what is was like to have a mother's love. Some of the Shugaba's were really nice but Maha could tell that there were some who didn't like like but she wasn't even upset because she didn't expect to gain everyone's favor especially since this is a royal family. Her grandmother, Khadijah had told her that when she had married Abdullah some of the Al-hariths' were against her being their queen and some didn't mind. Knowing that Ayman is going to be their next king and she who is suppose to be his next queen is a foreigner she knew she didn't expect everyone to just accept her. After all she was born and brought up in a royal family and she knew there was a lot of malice and dangers that came with sitting on the throne. Today is her 3 day in the palace of the Shugaba's and she could say that she had gotten along with his 3 sisters but she can't say the same about his step siblings. The first one ummita, who she has always looked up to as a social media role model is nice, she had thought that being the first born and the first princess the woman would be haughty, overbearing and proud but ummita turned out to be the opposite of what she had thought. The woman was quite nice and Maha felt really bad when she had left yesterday but she assured her that they would meet frequently since she also lives in Abuja. Maha has even become close with her seven year old son, Nur. The second princess who is, Taslim is also nice and she is the type who is into crazy fun activities just like Maha but somehow the two didn't get along even with this similarities. The last one among them and the fourth princess named Fatima after their late grandmother whom they all call fattu is quiet. She always minds her business and you would never know she is in the room. She never speaks unless spoken to, she carries herself like the true princess she is with grace and elegance. Somehow Maha and the little fourth princess who is 16 have manage to form a bond. Not some bond of friendship but the bond of two people who are crazily into books and movies. Who would have thought that the fourth princess is a huge fan of Maha, just like her brother, Ayman


Inside the chamber of the queen mother, queen Samira and Ayman's mother, the queen mother kept trying to call her son but he didn't pick and in the end he switched off his phone. Samira felt really bad for her son's new bride. It was also an arranged marriage for her after all, for all they knew maybe she had someone she loved but she had to marry the man her father had chosen for out of respect. And now she had spent three days as a bride without her husband. She wasn't expecting Ayman to treat the girl nicely since he still loved Aisha but she just had this feeling that the girl will change her hot headed and stubborn son. After an hour Samira tried the number again and this time it went through and he even picked it up in the third ring.

"Umma." Ayman's deep and masculine voice came.

"Don't you dare umma me Ayman, where are you?"

"Am out of the country."  Ayman said casually as if he didn't know he is now married.

"What?! Your wife has been waiting for you."

"My wife? This business trip is important and I can't come back because of a measly excuse of getting married!"

"Measly excuse? Ayman that woman is now your wife! If you don't love her then at least you can respect her. Don't forget that this is also an arranged marriage for her and it happened so suddenly. You are not the only victim Ayman!" Samira scolded, when Ayman sensed that his mother was becoming upset he immediately apologized.

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