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Ramadan Mubarak 🌙
What's up guys 👋
It's me, yep it's me 😌
I said I'll post the rest of  Zayn and Tessie's side story once the votes hits 800, it did!!! It reached 1000💃 but sadly I forgot to update for you guys, thinking that you might have lost interest. Time to time I thought about update but, I'm an over thinker and I thought you lost interest. But guess what? A lot of people have been asking for the remaining chapter so here it is👇:



Tessie literally ran to her car the moment she realized that Zayn and Layla could no longer see her, she had put up a calm and nonchalant facade and pretended as if she didn't love Zayn but she loves him but she just couldn't stand seeing him with another woman. She knows he was once a playboy but he told her he had changed, he told her that he changed for her.

The moment Tessie had uttered the words, "I need a break," a tidal wave of pain surged through her, threatening to drown the love that still lingered in the depths of her heart. The weight of her decision bore down on her like a heavy cloak, each step away from Zayn feeling like an unbearable burden. Her love for him remained an undeniable force, but the cracks in their relationship had grown into chasms that seemed insurmountable.

The pain intensified when she witnessed Zayn and Layla together. Every shared laughter, every exchanged glance, became a dagger that twisted in her heart. The jealousy, once a quiet whisper, now roared within her, fueled by the fear of losing him to the specter of a past she couldn't fully embrace. Zayn's handsomeness, the dark eyes, the plump pink lips—each element that had once been a source of joy now served as a reminder of what she felt slipping away.

The memories of their shared date haunted her, especially Layla's uninvited intrusion. Each recollection stung, a symphony of pain and resentment that played on a loop in her mind. Layla's interruptions became symbolic of a relationship under siege, a narrative in which Tessie felt like an outsider in her own story.

The complexity of Tessie's emotions manifested in her daily struggle to reconcile love and hurt. There were moments when she longed to reach out to Zayn, to mend what was broken, but the fear of more heartache held her back. Her tears, silent witnesses to her internal turmoil, painted a portrait of a woman torn between the love she craved and the pain she couldn't escape.

In the quiet corners of her solitude, Tessie grappled with the paradox of her emotions. The jealousy, like a relentless storm, clashed with the enduring love she couldn't deny. Each passing day without Zayn would feel like an eternity, yet the idea of facing him again was a daunting abyss. The narrative of their love story, once a harmonious melody, had morphed into a dissonant symphony that echoed the tumult within her soul.

She drove recklessly back to Ayman's house, her eyes were clouded with anver and jealousy, she hates Layla! She hates her with all fibre of her being! How dare her?! Couldn't she go and find her man? Why was she always after Zayn? He had made it clear that he didn't love her with the endless relationship he has always been getting into, so what is there not to understand? Is she that dumb? Her heart felt heavy, she reallt didn't want to leave Zayn even if it was just for sometime but their was nothing she could do, this is the one way she can bring him back yo his senses and make him talk to his annoying best friend to stay away from their relationship.

She parkes her car and got out, she ran inside the house as the tears she had been trying so hard to hold back fell from her eyes like a waterfall, she was so lost that she didn't even notice Maha standing beside her until she spoke to her.
"Tessie is everything okay?" Maha asked, Tessie wipe her tears as she sniffed again before she turned to Maha with a half smile.
"Everything is fine." Tessie said and then she turned to leave again.
"Did you fight with Zayn?" Maha asked, Tessie stopped walking as she clenched her hand into a tight fist, she didn't want to talk about Layla to Maha, the two were bestfriends and she didn't even know if Maha would believe. What if she didn't and chose to believe her besfriend that she has spent her childhood with, she has no reason to believe her but she has every reason to believe that damn Layla because she knew her as a child. She really hates her, sometimes she feels like hitting her head with wood whenever she talks.

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