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        Maha suddenly began to feel anxious, her hands began to shake because of her nervousness. She was nervous because she knew not everyone among the Shugabas' like her, that she is sure of after what had happened 10 months ago. Her legs were shaky as she stepped her feet out of the car, Ayman noticed her shaky feet and he suddenly held her hand. She looked at him in shock, her eyes asking him what he is doing and he gently squeezed her hand and smiled reassuringly at her. Maha also smiled back, she felt comforted by his presence, she always has and always will.
        The entrance to the grand northern palace beckoned visitors with an aura of ancient majesty. Massive wooden doors, weathered by the passage of time, stood tall and imposing, adorned with elaborate carvings that depicted tales of conquest and cultural exchange. Each panel told a story through intricate symbols, creating a visual tapestry that hinted at the richness within.

Approaching the entrance, one would traverse a courtyard paved with stones worn smooth by centuries of footsteps. The threshold, marked by a subtle rise in elevation, carried a sense of significance, inviting guests to step into a world where history and tradition converged. As Maha and Ayman passed through the towering doors, they were greeted by the hallowed interior of the palace, where the echoes of centuries seemed to linger in the air.
       Ayman was still holding Maha's hand as he led her to his mother's chamber, they would have arrived a long time ago if not for the people who had been stopping them wanting to talk to the crown prince and the new crown princess. The palace was truly a sight to behold, Maha was wowed. Her mouth was wide open the whole time as she took in the ancient yet intriguing design of the palace. She had not noticed the beauty of the palace when she had first come here, she was so lost in her own world that she didn't even noticed they had arrived in front of Samira's chamber until she heard a guard's loud voice annoucing their arrival.
"sanar da kasantuwar yarima mai jiran gado da gimbiya mai jiran gado cikin ɗakin sarauniya ta farko, uwar mai jiran gado; announcing the presence of the crown prince and the crown princess into the chamber of the first queen, the queen mother." The guards bowed deeply and Ayman nodded at them with a stoic and unfathomable face whilst Maha smiled timidly. She had no idea what they had just said but she was sure they had annouced their arrival, Maha didn't know her mouth was still open until Ayman curled his fingers around her chin and closed her mouth for her.
"Stop drooling." He murmured, before she could tell him she wasn't drooling, something suddenly came crashing on her body and if not for the fact that Ayman was holding her, making sure she wouldn't fall then she and Nur would have fallen down.
"Auntie Maha." Nur said.
"My baby." Maha said and then she pecked Nur's cheek, Ayman could only rolled his eyes at the exchange wishing he didn't hold her and he had let both of them fall but he knew he could never do that, not even in a million years! Maha and Ummita's son, Nur have bonded really well over the past 10 months, their bonding isn't a problem though, it's just that the two are annoying and they do everything humanly possible to annoy Ayman. There was a time when Ummita had brought Nur over so Maha could babysit him, the two refused to let Ayman work and they hid his laptop, to punish them Ayman pushed them out of the house and refused to let them in.
    Both Maha and Ayman held Nur's hand and they walked further into the chamber, all his three sisters were there including his mother. The first person Maha went towards was Ummita, after all among Ayman's sisters they had bonded the most then Fattu was sitting close to Ummita so she had hug her favourite among all his sisters. They might have bonded well with Ummita but Fattu will always be her favourite, there seems to be something about the young princess that attract people to her even without her trying. She moved close to Tessie and hugged her and then whispered in her ears,
"Matches said he is coming to kano on the day of eid, he wants to make it official." Maha said and then she released Tessie from the hug and winked at her, had Tessie been a fair lady then her cheeks would have turned crimson red. All her efforts to hide her smile were proved futile.
"Umm." Maha said as she finally went towards Samira and hugged her.
"How have you been? I hope he is not troubling you?" Samira said referring to Ayman who was now in a conversation with Tessie and Ummita, Ayman resisted the urge to roll his eyes but still ended up saying,
"Well it's the other way round." By now Maha had begin acting the shy and docile daughter in-law and so Samira believed that Ayman is actually the one troubling her. 
    Soon Ayman and Maha went back to their chamber, Aminu was not at home so they had to wait for him to come back. Entering the chamber Maha rushed towards the bedroom she had stayed during her wedding with Ayman.
"I'm staying here, go to the bedroom you stayed the other time we were here." Maha said as she sat on the edge of the bed.
"No, this is my bedroom so go to the other room. I was only being polite the other time." Ayman said as he moved towards the closet to put his stuff inside.
"Well continue being polite."
"All my stuffs are in here." Ayman said, Maha didn't say anything and she scrambled to the middle of the bed and curled herself like a ball, Ayman rolled his eyes and he went towards the bed. Suddenly he bent down and pick her up and threw her over his shoulder as though she is a sack of potato.
"Put me down." Maha said as she hit his back with her tiny fist and swinged her legs. Ayman ignored all her tantrums and brought her to a room close to his and dropped her on the bed.
"Be a good girl and stay here." Ayman said and then he moved towards the door.
"But i'm not a good girl." Maha said, she swinged her legs in a spoilt manner and she pouted her lips, she looked so adorable that Ayman wanted to squeeze her cheeks but he resisted the urge to do so.
"I hate you." Maha said when she saw Ayman opening the door, Ayman turned to look at her with a mocking smirk, they both knew she didn't mean it. It was the opposite of what she had said, with the mocking smirk still on his face, Ayman opened the door and left.
          After tossing and turning on the bed it was finally time for Maha to break her fast but with what food?! The sun had already set and the adhan had already been called but not a single maid came in to bring even water, she was famished but there was nothing she could eat. She sat on the bed grumbling about how incompetent the maids were when suddenly Ayman came in, he seemed to be in a hurry and he just held her hands and walked out of the room. He walked quickly and Maha struggled to keep up with him, suddenly Maha refused to walk and she stayed rooted to her spot.
"What?" Ayman asked as he hoisted one of his eyebrows.
"I'm the one who is suppose to ask that question, were are you taking me?"
"Don't you want to break your fast?"
"Of course i do." The idea of finally eating food made Maha so happy that she yanked her hands from Ayman's grip and she walked off on her on, it was after she had walked for a really long time that she realized she didn't know were she is going. She turned around awkwardly and she saw Ayman standing behind with an arrogant smirk.
"I thought you were leading us to the dinning room." Ayman said as he stood beside her.
"Dinning room?" Maha asked.
"Yes, the entire royal family always dine together during the month of ramadan." Maha eyes went wide like a saucer, so this is why no one brought food for her. They were waiting for Ayman to bring her to the dinning room, so it was Ayman's fault that she was left almost starving to death.
"How could you forget something as important as food?" Maha scolded, since they were in a hurry she knew he had forgotten about her and the food and he had come to fetch her immediately he remembered.
"Do you want to eat or do you prefer to continue scolding me?" Maha rolled her eyes before give him a reply.
"I prefer the former." Maha said, Ayman nodded his head and they walked in silence until they stood before a large double door painted in white with a golden handle, the two guards standing beside the door bowed their head and each one of them held the magnificent golden handle and pushed it open. Upon seeing them, all the guards in the royal dinning room bowed their head before another proceeded to annouce their arrival.
"Sanar da isowar yarima mai jiran gado da gimbiya mai jiran gado cikin dakin cin abinci na sarauta; annoucing the arrival of the crown princess and crown princess into the royal dinning room." As soon as the people in the dinning room heard that annoucement all eyes turned to Maha and Ayman.
    In the room adorned with soft hues and the hushed murmur of conversation, Maha and Ayman entered, Maha's green eyes caught the ambient light like shards of emerald. Gracefully, she moved, each step a dance, her head held high, shoulders squared, and chin raised with an air of quiet confidence. A delicate scarf, beautifully adorned, enclosed her auburn hair, leaving only strands to frame her face. The cascade of her modest attire followed the rhythm of her elegant stride, leaving a subtle trail of sophistication in her wake. In that moment, she embodied a portrait of poise and allure, a captivating presence amid the gathering of curious gazes.
  Beside her, Ayman who had the face of devilish handsomeness entered the room, his features sculpted with a certain magnetic allure. With a powerful stride that echoed authority, he walked with a grace that commanded attention. Dark, tousled hair framed a face chiseled in confidence, and his piercing gaze held a captivating intensity. Dressed in tailored attire that accentuated his stature, he complemented her elegance with a touch of undeniable charm. As they moved through the room, their presence intertwined, creating a harmonious dance of sophistication and charisma that left an indelible impression on those fortunate enough to witness the magnetic duo.
   The entire Shugabas' watched as Maha and Ayman took their seats beside the king. All their attention was on Maha, if given the opportunity all the females will like to take the position of the crown princess and the males the crown prince. The royal dining room unfolded in a grand tapestry of opulence. The walls adorned with intricate handcrafted motifs, telling tales of heritage and lineage. Gleaming mahogany tables, adorned with fine silverware and delicate crystal, stood as a testament to both tradition and refinement.

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