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Maha lay in the bed sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of the danger just outside her door. Suddenly her eyes fluttered open and she lay unmoving on the bed, the events of what happened started replaying itself and Maha could no longer hold her smile. Finally! The weight had finally been lifted off her, now that she knew her hands were no longer tainted with her brother's blood as she had thought, those past 6 years had been the most traumatic of her life and she didn't wish that kind of trauma for even her worst enemy.

Seeing her uncle was a different kind of trauma, he was the cause of all her problems since from the beginning. He had shattered her life into tiny pieces, he made her believe she killed her brother. He tainted her hands with blood that was never there in the first place, he made her a murderer, it was his fault she became an addict! And yet he had the audacity to call her mentally unstable, how dare he?! He had no shame left in him, she felt disgusted and utterly embarrassed to call him her uncle.

Her mind wandered back to Ayman, her heart fluttered as she remembered how he had been so caring and how he had supported her, she couldn't wish for a better husband. She started grinning like an idiot when she remembered the name he had called her today, 'Nur'. The name meant light and the fact that he called her the name meant that she is his light. Her smile disappeared when she heard a knock on the door but it quickly reappeared, realizing the one at the door must be Ayman. If not him then who would come knocking on her door around 11 in the night? Getting out of bed she went out of her bedroom and entered the living room. Without even much as a thought she opened the door with a wide smile but the moment she opened the door a hand shot out and grabbed her neck in a choke hold, making her eyes widen like saucers as she grabbed hold of the strong hands around her neck, trying to free herself but it proved futile as her opponent seemed to be much stronger than her.

The person dragged her into the living room and closed the door, then the person turned on the light. Her eyes widened when she saw the person's face, it was none other than Sadiq!
"W-what are you doing here?" Maha managed to stutter out as she pulled up a calm facade when she was trembling like a drenched puppy inside.
"You are asking me what i'm doing here?" Sadiq asked and then he scoffed.
"I'm here for revenge!"
"R-revenge?" Maha stuttered out as her brows knitted in confusion.
"Oh so you don't know what you did? You slapped me in front of my workers." Despite the fear that she was feeling, Maha still managed to roll her eyes and give him a response.
"Well you deserved that." Maha said and then she shrugged her shoulders, she didn't know what happened next or how Sadiq came closer to her but she felt a harsh sting on her cheek that made her fall down, Sadiq had just slapped her!

She glared at him from where she sat on the floor, she felt scared because of how dark his eyes had become but she still managed to talk,
"You idiot!" Maha said, she glared at him before she cleaned the small blood on her lips, what annoyed her the most at the moment was the fact that she would have a swollen lips, so much for wanting to keep a briused free face.
"You had your revenge, now leave!" Maha said, she had slapped him right? And now he slapped her back, so what more was there for him to do? Sadiq walked towards her and crouched down to her level and forcefully grabbed her chin.
"This isn't all, by the time i'm done with you, you won't be able to show your face to anyone. No one would want you, not even Ayman and you would have no choice but to run back to me." Maha's eyes widened, it didn't take a genius to put two and two together. 'Is this another r-rape attempt?' Fat tears rolled down her cheek but Sadiq only chuckled, she was brought back to her senses when Sadiq started dragging her towards the bedroom.
"You goat, let me go!" Maha said as she bite Sadiq's wrist which only made him slap her again.
"Look at you, you are at my mercy yet you still have the guts to insult me?" Sadiq said, when Sadiq said that Maha knew she was doomed, it would be better to shut her mouth and let destiny take it cause. Maybe, just maybe she would get saved just like she was saved from her uncle 6 years ago but who was she kidding? Opportunity comes but once, what a cruel fate she had.

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