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Maha stared hard at the drugs in her hand before she took two from the bottle and swallowed. She thought she wouldn't need the drugs because her mind would completely be on her husband but she was wrong because it has been a week now and there is absolutely no sign of Ayman. The memory about what happened came rushing back to her and she had no choice but to drink it. Suddenly the door was pushed open and Maha got startled because of the drugs in her hand and it fell down.

"Oops!" Fattu said when she saw the spilled drugs in the floor.

"Oh my God! Aunt Maha, are you sick?" Fattu asked before she entered the room and kneeled down to help Maha pick up the drugs.

"No it's okay, you don't have to do it." Maha said as she quickly packed the drugs before fattu would realize what it is.

"Am fine, just a slight headache."

"Oh, sorry. Guess what?"

"What?" Maha asked with a smile, she liked being in the girl's presence because the girl is pure and innocent, unlike her who uses hard drugs. Sometimes she even gets scared that she might corrupt the girl.

"Ya Ayman is back!" Fattu said as she squealed in excitement.

"Really?" Maha asked as her smile widened, then she remembered the part where she had to be shy so she turned her smile into a shy one.

"Yes, I was so excited to come and tell you and that is why I came in with out knocking. Come, umma said I should call you, he is in her chamber." Fattu said and she chuckled at Maha's reaction when she tried to act shy.


Ayman sat in a chair close to his mother. Almost everyone in his family were present and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at that because he knew they were only here because they wanted to know how he would treat his new wife. By doing this, they have only put him in a tight spot because initially he had planned on totally ignoring the girl and pretending as if she didn't exist but now that his family members want to see his reaction towards the girl, he knew he had to speak to her because come what may she is now his wife and apart from being his wife he has immense respect for women. Suddenly a familiar sweet scent wafted through his nostrils, since three years ago the scent of the perfume had disappeared when its owner Aisha had died but now he was suddenly perceiving that kind of scent. Suddenly Ayman stood up from his seat and began to follow the direction of the scent which led him towards the door. He stopped by the door when he saw fattu but he knew the scent wasn't from her, fattu usually uses cool perfume and you will only perceive the scent when you sit close to her. Aisha on the other hand liked this perfume because she liked strong perfumes that would announce her arrival before she even entered the room. Fattu moved back a little and his dark eyes landed on a pair of dark green eyes. As much as he hated to admit it, the woman standing in front of him is an epitome of beauty. She had eyes the color of the forest, a slender and delicate nose and a cherry red lips and dimples on either side of her cheek. He couldn't help but stare at the dimple on her chin, everything about her is rare, her green eyes and the dimples on her chin. He couldn't help but keep staring at her forest green eyes, it was like the more he looked at her the more hypnotized he got and he couldn't bring himself to stop staring, her green eyes were hypnotic and beautiful, he couldn't bring himself to stop staring.

"Ya Ayman." Fattu's voice came and that what was broke his reverie  and he immediately averted his eyes and went back to his mother's living room and sat down, there was an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach and he kept tapping his feet nervously on the ground. For the first time in three years he felt his heart skip a beat just by looking at another woman and he didn't like it at all, only Aisha is allowed to evoke such feelings inside of him! Suddenly he started hating Maha, why must his heart react just by seeing her? He promised himself that he would never look at her face again but still that was not enough, he was restless something in his heart had stirred when he saw her face and he knew that feeling very well because he always had it when Aisha was around, at last he managed to convince himself that he only had that feeling because of her eyes, there was something about her eyes that is hypnotic as if you would get lost if you tried to stare deeper. Her eyes were like a green mirror, it hypnotizes you to look into it thinking you are staring at yourself in a mirror and when you keep staring, you get lost.  

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