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In the shifting tides of their lives, the roles had undergone a profound transformation. Once, it was Maha ardently pursuing Ayman, weaving the threads of love around him. Now, the currents had reversed, and Ayman found himself navigating the delicate task of trying to rekindle the embers of recognition in Maha's memory. The intricate dance of love had taken on a new rhythm, and Ayman stepped into the challenge with determination, weaving a tapestry of moments and shared experiences to reawaken the connection they once shared. The journey of rediscovery unfolded with each patient step, echoing the echoes of their intertwined destinies.

The doctor had said that it would take her sometime before she would remember everything that had happened before her accident, he said it would take time before she adjusted to things, her accident touched nothing in her memory and the fact that she had slept for a long time was what made her forget but she will gradually remember. Now she would even need to learn how to stand on her on two feet, she always ended up falling whenever she she stood up.

Ayman stepped into Maha's room with a small smile, her family members were all around. When his eyes met Maha's, she blushed and averted her eyes, it had always been like that for the past 2 days ever since she woke up, she would keep looking at him and whenever he turned to face her she would blush and avert her gaze.

The once dull hospital room was now filled with a vibrant atmosphere as relatives all gathered around Maha who is still learning to speak properly without a stutter, it was a heart wrenching sight to see but Ayman had hope that it is just a phase of their lives that will pass just like all the others have passed.

The door swung open and Ummita stepped in, she was in kano when Maha had woken up and she had come to see her immediately she came back. Maha eyes lit up like the stars at night and a smile bloomed on her face as she beckoned to Ummita to come,
"Y-ya U-u-umm-ita." She had to close her eyes and force out the last words as though she was have trouble saying it out which she is.

A ray of hope flickered in Ayman's eyes when he heard her call out to Ummita's name, he stood up from the chair and walked towards her on the bed,
"You remember her?" He asked as he held her shoulder.
"Y-y-yes, i r-rememb-ber s-s-she i-is m-my f-f-friend b-but i d-don't k-kn-ow h-how i m-met h-her." Her stutter always became worse when she had to talk for a long time and she often took minutes before she finally manage to form a word but Ayman was patient towards her. He had never showed her any irritation because of her stutter and if anything he had been the most patient about her stutter.

Even her family are patient but there is only so much a person can do for someone who stutters alot and still likes to talk, Zayn does absolutely nothing but tease her about her stutter. Sometimes he even mimicks the way she stutters but she has never taken it to heart knowing he is only pulling her legs.
"S-she i-is T-t-tess-ie's s-sister r-r-right?" Maha asked when Ayman didn't reply.
"God! Why is it that you remember everyone but not me?" Maha looked down at her hands that were on her lap and played with them nervously.
"S-sorry." She whispered.
"No, it's not your fault." Ayman's voice was soft as he said that, he smiled at her and left the bedroom.

Around evening everyone had left and the only ones left were Nadia and her four best friend.
"You really scared the shit out of us, you meanie." Lana said as she cleared the remnants of tears in her eyes, she and Aya had always been the soft hearted ones among them. They had cried the first day they came to see her when she woke up.
"You really can't remember Ayman?" Nadia asked as she held Maha's hand and squeezed it gently, she had always been like an elder sister that Maha never had.
"Y-yes." Nadia smiled at her and nodded her head before she spoke.
"I understand you can't remember him but please try to be nice to him. You guys must have loved each other alot, he was the most worried about you." Nadia said.
"Ugh, it was such a sad yet beautiful sight. For the past one year that you having been having your beauty sleep, that chair close to your bed became his companion." Layla said as she pointed at the chair currently being occupied by Nadia.
"I-i s-s-see a b-blu-rred f-f-face i-in m-my m-m-mem-ory. I t-t-think i-it's h-him." Aya smiled at her before she spoke.
"Just try harder, you will remember." Maha nodded her head, in the two days she had woken up many people kept telling her about how her mysterious husband loves her and how he took care of her when she was in a coma, it made her feel bad that she couldn't remember him.

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