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Tessie's countenance, a visage of perpetual storm, bore the weight of emotions etched into the delicate lines of her face, forming a permanent frown that bespoke a complex symphony of feelings. Layla's presence, like an unwelcome echo, seemed to carve itself into every contour, casting shadows over the sunny realms of Tessie's affections for Zayn. It wasn't a mere disapproval; it was a dance of jealousy and frustration that played out in the downturn of her lips and the furrow of her brow. As Layla lingered on the periphery of their shared world, Tessie's gaze acquired a certain intensity, a silent acknowledgment of the brewing rivalry between them. It was as if each furrow on her forehead carried the weight of a thousand unspoken words, forming a tapestry of unsaid sentiments that lingered in the air, creating an atmosphere crackling with unspoken tension. In the delicate balance of their intertwined lives, Tessie's stoic expression became a canvas upon which the silent drama of their emotions unfolded.

"Oh! And there was this one time when I was chasing Zayn and he fell down flat on his face." Layla said as both she and Zayn laughed, Zayn and tessie were having a date but she didn't even know how Layala found out. Zayn said he didn't tell her and she trusted him enough to know he didn't, ever since her relationship started with Zayn, Layla has been the thorn in the way. While Zayn keeps saying they are best friends, Layla's actions prove otherwise.

It was clear that Layla is in love with Zayn and she is doing everything humanly possibly to sabotage their relationship, she didn't even let her and Zayn talk much today, she just kept telling tales about her childhood days with Zayn. At first, Tessie tried to hide her annoyance with a fake smile but at the end she realized she couldn't do it and so she had stopped giving out the fake smiles.

Zayn's eyes reflected genuine warmth as Layla skillfully wove tales from their shared childhood. His smile widened with each anecdote, a testament to the affection he held for the memories and the people intertwined in them. Believing that sharing these glimpses of his past would draw Tessie closer, he radiated enthusiasm, hoping that she, too, would find joy in discovering the layers of his history. Unbeknownst to him, Tessie's outward composure masked the turmoil within, her features betraying a growing discontent. Zayn, wrapped up in the nostalgia of the stories, failed to sense the subtle shifts in Tessie's demeanor. His genuine desire to connect and the obliviousness to Tessie's building resentment created a poignant contrast, as Layla continued to unravel the tapestry of their shared past, blissfully ignorant of the storm silently brewing beside Tessie.

"Zayn and I are so close, no woman can ever come in between us." Zayn's eyes widened when Layla said that and he immediately looked at the fuming Tessie. He didn't think that she would get upset if Layla kept talking about their childhood, he even thought she would be very happy to get to know more about him and the people he cherishes.

"Well i guess i should leave, it seems like I'm coming between you two." Tessie said and then without waiting for Zayn's reply she stood up to leave.
"No, princess please wait." Zayn hurriedly stood up from his seat and ran to catch up with Tessie.
"I'm really sorry, Layla didn't mean it that way." Tessie narrowed her eyes and then she scoffed as she turned to leave again.
"Please princess, Layla can be irrational at times." Tessie stopped as she turned to face Zayn, she felt like punching him right across his handsome face, he was way too handsome for her liking.

Zayn's handsomeness is a captivating composition, a tapestry of features that effortlessly blend to create an irresistibly magnetic allure. His fair complexion, reminiscent of moonlit elegance, serves as a luminous backdrop, enhancing the captivating warmth that emanates from his dark eyes. These eyes, windows to a soulful depth, hold secrets and stories, drawing you in with each glance.

But it's the plump, pink lips that add an intriguing touch to his countenance. They possess a natural allure, an invitation to laughter and conversation, embodying a perfect balance between playfulness and sincerity. A smile from Zayn feels like a shared secret, an intimate connection forged in the curve of those lips.

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