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Turns out chapter 26 isn't edited, i thought i had edited it.


"I didn't know you were smart." Ayman said when they entered their chamber. Yes, he knew she is good at pretending to be someone she is not and is also cunning and sly. But he didn't know she is smart enough to give Asma'u that kind of reply while still wearing a mocking smile that looks geniune. Maha said nothing and only smirked.
"So now we have to do 30 fasting?" Maha asked as they both stood in the living room, the moon had not been sighted and by now everyone knew that their fast would be 30 and not 29, personally, Maha isn't happy. She has been complaining to Ayman about how skinny she has become ever since the fasting had begun, she had never coped well with hunger and truth to be told she had never really liked the fasting period. She likes the first days but after that she keeps wishing that the time will just skip to the day of eid. Eid is her favourite, in fact eid is every muslims favourite just like how the christian adore chrismas. Wearing that new cloth during eid hits different than wearing new clothes on some other occasion that isn't eid.
"My problem with you is that you are to lazy." Ayman said and Maha rolled her eyes.
"Comot body." Ayman said as he playfully pushed her and stepped inside his room.

News of what had happened during the royal dinner had spread like wildfire in the palace, everyone wanted to have a glimpse of the so called smart crown princess. Everyone had initially thought that she is just a girl with pretty face who has nothing to offer but her pretty face.

With the aid of Fattu, Maha had managed to find Ayman. She saw him standing near a beautiful black horse, he stood beside the horse stroking it's mane absentmindedly. Maha had noticed that his mood today seemed gloomy, she didn't know what made him unhappy but she knew he is sad. Walking towards him Maha took a stick and whipped the horse, the poor animal neighed in protest as it raised it two front legs hoping to break free from the rope holding him and escape.
"What was that about?" Ayman asked.
"You know i enjoy teasing you and i noticed you like the horse so i whipped it." Maha said and she shrugged her shoulder.
"The horse did nothing." Maha again shrugged and said nothing.
"Don't hit the horse again." Ayman said, upon hearing that Maha giggled mischieviously and raised her hand to whip the horse again but Ayman caught her hand before she could whip the poor horse again. Ayman narrowed his eyes at Maha, from the way she behaved, he is sure she is scared of horses so he decided to teach her a lesson. He suddenly scoop her in his arms, princess style and made to put her on the horse.
"I'm sorry, I won't whip the horse again. Please put me down." Maha said as she swinged her legs and struggled to get free from his tight hold, her eyes were squeezed shut as if he is about to drop her from the highest cliff in the world.
"Yes, i promise i won't whip your baby again." Maha mocked, though she is the one at a  disadvantage she still had the guts to tease him, knowing she is still in his arms and he could drop her anytime he wanted. Ayman chuckled for the first time that day and then he dropped Maha.

Today is Aisha's death anniversary and their wedding day, now it been four years since her death. The pain he felt was excruiatingly painful but somehow the pain he felt is more bearable to the pain he has been feeling for the past 3 years, it feels as though that empty spot in his heart is finally being filled, looking at Maha made him feel much better and it surprised him alot. Were they really meant to be? That void and blankness in his heart was no longer there and instead it is filled with a longing for Maha, he couldn't possibly call that love, right? That is just impossible but how could he ignore the fact that he felt happy when he had seen Maha, when he had been nothing but gloomy since morning. Aisha's death is still freah in his memories and no matter how long it takes, the feel of her cold and lifeless body will never stop hunting him. However, today as he held Maha's warm little hands, she seemed to replace that cold feeling of Aisha's hands and it made his body all warm and mushy. She wasn't even trying but her presence made him feel like he could give love another chance, it made the pain of the loss of Aisha more bearable. Looking at her, she made him feel like he had a reason to continue living and that reason is her.
"Are you going somewhere?" Maha asked when she noticed Ayman leaving the horse stable.
"Do you want to come with me?" Ayman asked, Maha wasn't expecting that question neither was Ayman. He didn't even know why he had asked her that question but he felt as though her presence will comfort him just like it has always done. He saw her nod her head and then he held her hand and started walking towards the parking space. Holding her hand when he walks is a habit he has suddenly formed and non of them minded.
"I'm going to Aisha's grave, today is her fourth year dead anniversary." Ayman said when they entered the car, since Aisha had died on their wedding day and almost all relative were in kano, she had been buried in kano to lessen the burden for people. Maha's mouth formed an O and then she said,
"May her soul rest in peace." Maha murmured and Ayman answered with an almost inaudible 'Ameen'.
Sensing his discomfort, Maha reached out and held his hand and squeezed his hand lightly. In response Ayman tightly squeezed her hands and from the way he exerted force she knew he is worked up, she didn't know the pain of losing a loved on your wedding day but she knows it is painful and toturous. Ayman tightly held her held throughout the drive to the cemetry and they drove in quietude.

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