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Ayman was stupefied for a moment, he couldn't believe what his ears were telling him. How could they ask him to get married? It was like they were asking him to cheat on Aisha. That was something impossible! He would never do that.

"Ayman, it's either her or Asma'u." Ayman swallowed thickly, he looked as if he was ready to destroy the world, even before Aisha's death he was never one who liked to smile but after her death he became even worse. He became cold and icy. When his father had arranged his marriage with Asma'u he had clearly told him he didn't want to marry her, his father wouldn't take no for an answer, he said there was no way the crown prince would remain unmarried and that he had to move on from Aisha's death but he knew those words were not his father's words, they were his sister's words, Rahma. In the eyes of the public Aminu was the king but his sister was the real ruler who ruled behind the curtains. Aminu only did what she asked, even Aminu was not allowed to go against her. Ayman had somehow managed to escape marriage to Asma'u, he had promised his father he would get married to anyone but Asma'u even though Rahma was hellbent on getting him married to Asma'u but at the end of the day they only wanted him married, so Rahma had agreed when he said he would get married to anyone as long as it was not Asma'u. Ayman disliked Asma'u, she was nothing like Aisha, Aisha carried her self with grace and self confidence were as Asma'u was an impetuous and harum-scarum girl. She behaved in an unladylike manner, she also didn't respect his mother, Samira; she didn't respect anyone in fact. Plus she was only interested about his money and the position she would gain as queen of the northerners once she was married to him.

"Umma, na Riga na fada Miki, bana son aure; i have already told you I don't want to get married." Ayman said in Hausa.

"Well it is no longer in your hands to decide. This is not just any proposal you can reject, the lady your father has chosen for is his friend's daughter."

"Where is baba?" Ayman asked, he wanted to shout and scream but he could not because the woman sitting in front of him was his mother whom he love and respect. Ayman always had control over his emotion, his face was always blank and aloof, even if you told him that the world was coming to an end his face would still remain blank, the only person whose was able to stir his emotion was Aisha and she was long gone. Some people even envied how well he was able to control his emotions and keep his face blank no matter how devastating the news was. He wanted to shout and throw tantrums because this was something that concerned Aisha but at the same time he couldn't bare to see his mother upset with him.

"In his chamber." Ayman gave his mother a curt nod before he stood up and and left her chamber. His mother's chamber was the closest to his father's chamber and then Rahma's chamber. The guards surrounding his father's chamber did not waste time in announcing the crown prince arrival and bowing their heads to greet him.

"Your highness." Ayman greeted and bowed his head as he walked inside his father's chamber. Aminu Shugaba was sitting in the living room with Rahma, she had a deep frown on her face, her forehead had formed straight lines on her wrinkled and old skin, with the look on her face Ayman guessed she must be upset about something but then again when was this woman not upset about something? She was always upset! Aminu's living room intricate architecture, elegant chandeliers and ornate furnishings exuded an air of sophistication that left visitors in awe. The entire chamber had a sense of majesty and splendor that was fit for royalty. Aminu's chamber was the best in the entire palace, though his chamber had the same kind of decoration with Samira's chamber; the queen mother. Much to Rahma's dismay.

"Since you are here in my chamber and not in the throne room, you might as well address me as father." Aminu said as he stared at his son. One glance at Aminu and you would know he is proud of the man his little boy has become. The royal family were only allowed to address their parents as father or mother in private but once they were in the eyes of the public it was always 'your highness, your majesty or your grace.'

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