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      The days didn't pass by quickly instead it passed slowly, so slowly that it became excruciatingly painful for Maha. With each day that passed she felt herself suffocating even more and it felt even worse because she didn't have her drugs with her but she was determined not to depend on it, she was already in a fight with Ayman and she didn't want to get into another fight. The silent treatment he was giving her was killing her, he was back to being his usaul cold and icy self and he would pretend as if she isn't in a place when she is there. She knew it was because she told him she wanted to go to india, she wished she could stay but she couldn't. She is willing to give up on everything just for him, especially when their relationship had started to get better but now everything has been ruined. She has to start from afresh!
        At last! The day she has been waiting for is finally here, she is going back to india. She hates to admit the fact that she is going back but it is better to leave and face her life than stay her with her husband who keeps giving her the cold shoulder, she would deal with him once she comes back with a good result for her mom. Yes a good result for her mom, it had never been her dream to go for medicine, it was her mother's, she had wanted to study archeitecture but her mother had crushed that dream just like she had crushed Ayub's dream when he was still alive. He had also never wanted to study medicine, he had wanted to go for cyber security but their mother had crushed his dreams also. She was just 12 years old at the time their mother had forced Ayub to go for medicine, he could have come up with a plan to slip away but he couldn't. He knew their mother would force Maha to study medicine instead, so he had given up his dreams for her. He had done so much for her and yet she repaid him with being the cause of his death, though everyone in the family keeps telling her it isn't her fault she knows it is. His sacriface didn't pay off though because even before he died, their mother had gone back on her words, which isn't a new thing and she had forced Maha to go for medicine because she had come to realize that the girl's brain is as sharp as a computer and she decided she wouldn't let it go to waste on some useless course. With a shaky breath she zipped her pink suitcase and went out of the room closing the door behind her. The house was quiet, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, walking to the left she entered Ayman's room. She had never entered his room since their marriage and that was because the need for it had never arised, she thought she would see a scattered room just like her brothers bedroom but what she saw made her gasp in awe and amazement. The room was neat, everywhere was sparkling and everything was arranged in order. The room was cold and the scent of his cologne was still lingering in the room, the books on his study table were also arranged in order. The bigger ones were the first ones kept, followed by the medium ones and then the smaller ones on top, everything was well organised. If someone were to enter the room, he would think the room belongs to a girl because of how everything is arranged but this is Ayman we are talking about. He has always been organised and collected, he had always wanted his things to be perfect. A peaceful yet beautiful smile appeared on Maha's face. He knew she was leaving today and that was the reason why he had left the house early in the morning and has still not come back. She picked up a green sticky note from her bag and proceeded to write on it. 'by the time you read this letter i would already be gone, i just want to tell you that i will miss you. Bye'. She placed the letter on his mirror which was facing his bed so that he would see it and left the room with a heavy heart. NO! That was not what she wanted to tell him, she wanted to tell him how much she cared about him and how much she.... loved him, yes she loved him and she wanted to tell him. At first she didn't want to tell him because she felt embarassed, men were always the ones who proposed but now she regretted not doing that. Maybe, just maybe if she had told him then their situation would have been better, maybe he would have understood where she was coming from, maybe he would have been able to defy her mom, maybe...
"Enough with the maybes you idiot." Maha said to herself and she facepalmed herself. She was going to her house, she needed to go there and see her father. His words of encouragement would soothe her aching heart just like it had always done. She loaded her suitcase in the car trunk and gave the house a last lingering look before she zoomed out, she left with her spares keys, incase she came back and Ayman wasn't home, she just had this gut feeling that their fight would continue even after she came back.
            Maha packed the car and stepped out of the car and entered her father's mansion. Unlike the other time, today her entire family were all there. She went to her father and hugged him, she stayed in his embrace not letting him go. Only she knew what she was feeling, her heart felt as though it was being burned over and over again and no water in the world could extinguish that fire.
"Mushkilatuk; what is your problem?" Mariam said in annoyance.
"Limadha tabki fi kuli marat tadhhab fiha? hal 'ant tifl; why do you cry everytime you are leaving? Are you a baby?!" Mariam almost shouted in annoyance. She saw as she sobbed even louder and Hassan quickly sat beside her rubbing circles on her back to soothe her.
"Marym, abtaeidi ean tariqiha; Mariam, stay out of her way." Sufyan scolded, he could tolerate absolutely anything but not her being mean to their only daughter, she was leaving them because of her and yet whenever she cried she never consoled her. If not for the fact that she has a heart problem then he would have thought she doesn't have a heart but it is still that heartless woman he loves.
"You and your sons are spoiling this girl." Mariam said as she stood up.
"Our sons and daughter." Sufyan corrected.
"Whatever." Mariam said as she left the living room. Everyone went back to consoling Maha, her attitude wasn't a suprise to anyone. When Nadia had first got married to Hassan, Mariam had treated her that way and whenever she did it to her she would cry her eyes out thinking she didn't like her, Hassan had tried to make her understand but she refused to understand, telling him his mother didn't like her because she is nigerian. With time even she had began to realize that what Hassan had been telling her was the truth, being rude was her nature. She was rude to everyone. It was only in front of people older than her, that she tried to keep her mouth shut but even then one could clearly see the discomfort in her face. When Nadia remembered the times she had cried, she would just laugh at herself. Aya on the other hand never minded, she was their cousin after all and she knew how the woman is. At least she went a bit softer on women, it was with time that people began to realize that she is a feminist and she didn't even try to deny it. One could even say she is proud of being a feminist. Everyone was trying to console her so she could keep quiet but Zayn being Zayn kept making fun of her situation and that earned him a smack from his brothers and father. At the end it was Zayn and his silly entics that finally made her laugh.
           Maha was lying on the bed in her old bedroom trying to get some sleep, her flight is in the night around 9:00 and it was just 2 in the evening so she decided to get some sleep but the sleep wouldn't come. A knock on her door made her stop trying to get some sleep and she told the person to come in. Her brows creased in confusion when she saw Zayn.
"Since when did you start knocking." She asked, Zayn said nothing and showed her his middle finger, she also said nothing and rolled her eyes. He came to the bed and jump on it laying down beside her.
"Why didn't Ayman come?" Zayn asked after a moment of silence.
"He had some work."
"You know you can tell me anything right?"
"Yes." Maha nodded with a tight smile, Zayn looked at her for sometime as though doubting what she said before he nodded his head. The room went quiet again but from the way she lay down, she saw the way Zayn kept looking at her almost every second.
"madha turid an taqul; say what you want to say." Maha said in annoyance.
"Why are you being so harsh on everyone today?" Zayn asked pouting slightly, yes Maha always got upset when she is about to go to india but never harsh to the point of being rude. Maha rolled her eyes and said nothing, if only he knew what was troubling her.
"Am counting to ten and if you don't tell me what you want to tell me i'm throwing you out of this room!" Maha said. Zayn adjusted his position on the bed and lay down comfortably with a smirk on his face, he didn't believe she could throw him out. Maha began to count with a serious look on her face.
"Jeez, you are just like your mother." Zayn said sitting up on the bed, Maha rolled her eyes and continued counting.
"Okay it's about Tessie. We are dating."
"Tessie who?"
"Taslim, Ayman's younger sister." Zayn explained and Maha's mouth opened and closed, she was speechless. Suddenly she stood up and sat on top of him, hitting him with the pillows on his face. It was with great difficulty that he yanked her off his body, shouting together with her as he did so.
"aibtaead eaniy 'ayatuha alnamira; get off me you tigress!"
"sa'aqtuluk 'iidhan adhayt tilk alfata; i will kill you if you hurt that girl!"
"C'mon will i tell you about her, if i don't plan on marrying her?"
"M-m-marry her?" Maha asked, to say she was shocked would be an understatement. She had never heard her brother talking about marrying anyone before. He hates commiting himself to someone or something and so he doesn't want to get married, he must really love her a lot if he wants to marry her.
"Yes." Zayn said, a smile which she had never seen was plastered on his face.
"What about layla?" Maha asked, she just felt like she needed to ask, they look like they are in love even though they always tell people they are just friends.
"We are just friends." Zayn replied rolling his eyes, he has been telling her this for more than 5 years.
"Well i'm happy for you." Maha said closing the gap between them and hugging him.
           The whole family had accompanied Maha to the airport except Mariam who said she had work to do. She had never accompanied Maha to the airport. She had always said that she had work to do when Maha is about to leave. Arriving at the airport, Maha submitted the neccessary documents at the check in opening. Bidding her family a finally farewell Maha went towards the airplane, they watched as she entered the airplane and her figure vanished completely before they left.
"Ladies and gentlemen welcome on board flight 6A8 with service from Abuja to Mumbai. We are currently fourth in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately 10 minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off any electronic device and smoking is highly prohibited. Thank you and enjoy your flight."
        Maha slept through out the journey and only woke up when she heard the annoucement of the flight attendant that they are now in Mumbai, india. She got down from the airplane and inhaled the scent of india, the country that had always been noisy for as long as she could remember but she liked it that way.
         She didn't say good bye to Ayman, she only hopes he reads her letter and it might soften his anger a bit.

Abeg is Ayman's anger justified?

The votes and comment aren't encouraging oo🙄, i want at least 10 votes before i update again.
See yah when i see yah😍😘

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